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  1. Basic commands ::update - Command that takes you to all the updates ::forums - Command that takes you to the forums page ::wiki - Opens up SpawnPK's Official Knowledgebase ::clearfriends - Deletes all of your friends (gives a warning first) ::item (Item number) (Item amount) - Use the item search option for quicker spawning (magnifying glass next to the emote tab) ::soaker - Spawning a super-soaker in your inventory (An item for the summer event 2020-07-01) ::stop - Used ONLY in the ‘’monster spawner’’ area, prevents monsters from auto-spawning ::prices - Takes you to a price guide (The prices are not updated and the market looks way different now) ::tpsitem (Item Name) - Takes you directly to the item on the trading post ::tpsuser (Player Name) - Takes you directly to the Players trading post ::shops - Teleports you to Blood, Donator, Vote & Coin shop ::scrolls - Shows all the scrolls you've unlocked (Hunleff/Nightmare/DuS/Etc.) ::staff - Shows current staff online/available ::appeal - Opens up the appeal page. This is the plage where you can appeal an offense, and see your appeals ::changepass (NewPasswordHere) - Changes your password to what you want ::empty - Deletes your whole inventory PERMANENTLY ::players - Shows the amount of players online and in wildy ::skip - Gives you the option to vote skip on the current pvp hotspot ::vote - Opens up the voting pages ::claimvp - Converts vote tickets into vote points ::discord - Opens up an invitation to SpawnPK's discord ::donate - Opens up the Donator store ::donated - Shows the amount you have donated ::claim/redeem - Checks if you have any items waiting for you from voting or donations ::claimpet - Picks up your pet, and stores it in your inventory::raids - Shows your total Champer of xeric completions on each difficulty ::duelkdr - Shows your current duels win lose ratio in-game ::kdr - Shows your current kill death ratio in-game ::kills - Shows a list of how many kills you have for every boss in the game (All npc’s are not counted as bosses/haven’t been added into the list yet) ::ks - Shows your current kill streak and your highest kill streak ever achieved in-game ::elo - Shows your elo rating ::mode - Shows if you’re a Pker Account or a trained account in-game ::dataon - Shows your fps value & coordinates position (::dataoff to turn off this feature) ::fps - Shows your current fps ::bots - Hides all Pker bots in edge ::gsdecor - Toggles on/off the cosmetic effect on the AGS/BSG special scrolls ::nurse - Restores your hitpoints, run energy & prayer. ::event - To view the status on all dynamic activities (Only works when an event is active) ::e - To view the status on all dynamic activities (Only works when an event is active) ::hween - To enable Hween mode (Re-enter the command ::hween again to toggle) ::snow - To enable Snow mode (Re-enter the command ::snow or ::xmas to toggle) ::xmas - To enable Snow mode (Re-enter the command ::xmas or ::snow to toggle) ::darkxmas - To enable A nightmare before Christmas mode ::darkwinter - To enable A nightmare before Christmas mode ::summer - To enable Summer mode (Re-enter the command ::summer again to toggle) ::tourney -Teleports you to Tournament host ::exit - To exit a Tournament or Hunger game (You can not ::exit Hunger games while you're in combat) ::untrack - To remove tracker overlays ::renderself - Command to hide your player view from your client (others can still see you, of course) ::multi - To toggle on/off Multi-zone overlays ::pets - Opens a guide for all pets and their perks ::perk - Opens an Donator benefits guide ::gear - Opens up a gear guide CTRL+L - To open your collection logs CTRL+L - To open your loot tracker CTRL+S - To prompt searching in the item spawn tab (will also switch to the tab) CTRL+S - While banking to prompt bank item search CTRL+D - While banking to deposit all items (Inventory, equipment, etc) CTRL+R - While banking to prompt bank item repairing ::loot - Can help you track loot from PvP & PvM ::weeklies or ::week - To access the weekly bonus tasks ::welfare or ::welf - To access the Welfare mode menu ::vb - To view the server's progress on the vote boss ::commands - Takes you to this guide Clan chat commands ::meet - Teleports you to a secluded area ONLY clan member can access ::afk - To inform your clan-mates and friends that you're aware from the game ::ccunban (player name) - Unbans a player who has been banned from your clan chat (without a rank) ::ccmute (name) - Mutes a member from your clan ::ccunmute (name) - Allows you to remove a mute from a clan member ::cctempmute (name) - Prompts a dialogue that allows you to temporarily mute a player from your clan. (The player will automatically be unmuted after the duration ends) ::ccban (player name) - Bans a clan member ::cctempban (name) - Prompts a dialogue that allows you to temporarily ban a player from your clan. (The player will automatically be unbanned after the duration ends but without a rank) ::ccranks - Shows a list of all clan members with a rank (ordered from greatest to least in superiority) ::ccbans - Shows a list of all usernames that are muted in the clan (shows time remaining if temp ban) ::ccmutes - Shows a list of all usernames that are muted in the clan (shows time remaining if temp mute) ::ccdemote [Name] - Command for clan chat owners to demote a clan member Combat commands ::skull - Skulls yourself ::redskull- Red Skulls yourself (you will lose all tradable items upon death with a few exceptions) ::unskull - Takes away your skull (MUST be a Donator ( $10-$49) to use this command, regular players have to wait 15 minutes for the skull to go away) ::explock - locks/unlock you from getting any exp ::pots - Spawnes flask for $50+ and vials for $0-$49 (x1 Super str, x1 super attack, x2 saradomin brews, x2 super restores) ::rest - Spawnes a super resore flask for $50+ and vials for $0-$49 ::brew - Spawnes a saradomin brew flask for $50+ and vials for $0-$49 ::refill - Refills potions in your inventory ::food - Fills empty inventory spaces with food (Manta ray $0-$9, rocktail $10+) ::veng - Switches your spell-book to lunar & Spawns 100m vengeance runes (Astra, Death, Earth) ::barrage - Switches your spell-book to ancients & Spawns 100m barrage runes (Blood, Death, Water) ::tb - Switches your spell-book to modern & Spawns 100m tb runes (Chaos, Death, Lava) ::entangle - Switches your spell-book to modern & Spawns 100m entangle runes (Earth, Nature, Water) ::prayer - Switches your prayer book ::ancients - Switches your spell-book to ancients ::lunar - Switches your spell-book to lunar ::modern - Switches your spell-book to modern ::pvptracker - Opens your pvp tracker options Donator commands ::dxfer - Donator rank transfer Prices ::dzone - Teleports you to Donator Zone ( $10-$49 & $50-$99) ::ezone - Teleports you to Elite Zone ($100-$499) ::vip - Teleports you to V.I.P Zone ( $500-$999 & $1000-$2499) ::sponsor - Teleports you to Sponsor Zone ($2500-$4999) ::mythic - Teleports you to Mythic Zone ( $5000+) ::cosmic- Teleports you to Cosmic Zone ( CTRL+T - To open up the trading post ( $5000+) ::bank - Allows you to bank anywhere in non-wilderness ($2500-$4999 & $5000+) (Link to official donator benefits guide) Teleporting commands ::home - Teleports you to Edgeville (CTRL+H - To prompt the command) ::help - Teleports you to Ogre enclave (A meeting point) ::train - Teleports you to Rock crabs ::skilling - Teleports you to Skilling zone ::poh - Teleports you to your house ::cw - Teleports you to Clan Wars ::camelot - Teleports you to Camelot ::dodgeball - Teleports you to Gnome Ball Field ::duel - Teleports you to the Duel arena where you can stake your items (Strictly Whip & Whip+DDS duels) ::Stake - Teleports you to the Duel arena where you can stake your items (A zone for all type of duels) ::lms - Teleports you to the Last Man Standing entrance portal ::gamble - Teleports you to Gamble zone where you can gamble your items ::pure - Teleports you to Pure zone ::edgepvp - Teleport you to edgePVP (for nhers/bridders) ::mb - Teleports you to Mage bank ::kbd - Teleports you outside close to King black dragon lair (wilderness) ::ca - Teleports you to Crazy archaeologist (wilderness) ::nm - Teleports you to The Nightmare/Terror boss (wilderness) ::nex - Teleports you to the Cave entrance for Nex lair (wilderness) ::hun - Teleports you to Hunllef ::hydra - Teleports you to Hydra ::elders - Teleports you to Elder chaos druids ::vet - Teleports you to Vet'ion/Wicked Vet'ion (wilderness) ::kk - Teleports you to Kraken/infernal kraken (wilderness) ::ven - Teleports you to Venenatis (wilderness) ::sco - Teleports you to Scorpia (wilderness) ::revs - Teleports you to the outside of Revenant cave (wilderness) ::ele - Teleports you to Chaos/Behemoth elemental (wilderness) ::bc - Teleports you to Barrelchest/Malevolent barrelchest (wilderness) ::dg - Teleports you to Demonic gorillas (wilderness) ::wyrm - Teleports you to Wildywyrm/Bloodwyrm (wilderness) ::ld - Teleports you to Lava dragons (wilderness) ::fd - Teleports you to Frost dragons (wilderness) ::wests - Teleports you to Brutal dragons level 12 wilderness (wilderness) ::gd - Teleports you to Brutal dragons (wilderness) ::easts - Teleports you to level 17 wilderness (wilderness) ::graves - Teleport you to Graveyard, level 19 wilderness (wilderness) ::chins - Teleports you to Black Chinchompas (wilderness) ::44s - Teleports you to level 44 wilderness (wilderness) ::ardy- Teleports you to east of Mage arena to level 51 wilderness (wilderness) ::rouges - Teleports you to Rouges castle 51 wilderness (wilderness) ::rick - Teleports you to Risky Rick (blood orb exchange) Youtubers commands ::youtubers - Shows all Youtubers online ::artz - Opens Youtube Channel Artz RSPS ::ascend - Opens Youtube Channel Ascended Rsps ::bass - Opens Youtube Channel Bass osrs ::capalot - Opens Youtube Channel Capalot RSPS ::coco - Opens Youtube Channel Agsk0 ::cursed - Opens Youtube Channel Cursed Out RS ::deca - Opens Youtube Channel Deca RS ::ext - Opens Youtube Channel Ext zerker #1risk fighter ::fewb - Opens Youtube Channel Fewb ::ghost- Opens Youtube Channel Ghost RSPS ::haloz - Opens Youtube Channel Haloz RSPS ::imp - Opens Youtube Channel Impatient ::jhus - Opens Youtube Channel J Hus ::juicy - Opens Youtube Channel Juicy 0range ::miami - Opens Youtube Channel Chopper rsps ::nopid - Opens Youtube Channel Nopid RS ::primal - Opens Youtube Channel Sasha RSPS ::raimon - Opens Youtube Channel Metal Raimon ::scooby - Opens Youtube Channel Scooby Doo Rs ::skii - Opens Youtube Channel Skii ::sohan - Opens Youtube Channel SohanRS ::stacks - Opens Youtube Channel Big Stacks RSPS ::tevin - Opens Youtube Channel NotYourAverageNoob ::thawavez - Opens Youtube Channel ThaWaveZ ::vino - Opens Youtube Channel Velvino ::walkchaos - Opens Youtube Channel Walkchaos ::wizard - Opens Youtube Channel Wet Wizard ::zachtx - Opens Youtube Channel ZachTX RSPS (Reply with a comment if I missed out on a command so i can add it to the list) Kind Regards Bsouth