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Everything posted by Brutal

  1. Brutal

    Password reset.

    @Lammie I've created a ticket for you, will take 1-3days. Contact any ::staff in-game if u want any progress/updates on it. Thanks!
  2. Brutal

    Client not loading

    @moesif Have u tried using the spk repair tool, located on the forums? If you've tried this and it still doesn't work, contact me on discord "Nick!#2659"
  3. Ok makes sense, but when I was thinking about it. Swift gloves are also a 5% chance to proc the x2 hit, so I guess it these aren't bad odds. And the BIS drop rate is the mythic obsidian which is 2.5% a piece.
  4. Overall good suggestion, would tweak the drop rate for the 3rd age dye to 2.5% per piece though, imo. Also 50% lifesteal i think is a bit much, maybe 25%. Other than that I like most of it.
  5. Brutal

    LOST bank pin

    @Vzyl It was already reset, if you weren't aware. I'm just notifying via this post! Have fun!
  6. Brutal

    Risk Protection - Singles PKing

    +1 To risk protection, overall nothing negative about it. Also we should implement a threshold I think or a bracket of some sort, so if you're risking like 50b+ u gotta be risking atleast 10-20% of what they're risking to attack them. Or just have it so if you're risking above 5b+ U can attack the Riskers too. Either one works, and I'd love for this to be added so we don't have these multi cursed voiders bolting us off kills.
  7. Brutal

    cant download client

    @panoramic Have u tried using the client repair tool on the forums? If not I recommend trying that! If u wan't u can also contact me on the SPK discord, i'm not too tech savy though. But I can ask others! Best of luck!
  8. Brutal

    Client Not Working

    @Cirzuh Have u tried using download 2 here? Also did u try deleting all files related to spk? And then trying to re-launch the client?
  9. Brutal

    Blowpipe + % damage bug

    I believe blowpipe is capped at a certain hit, so it doesn't outclass the higher tier pvm weapons. @new player69
  10. Brutal

    Lost my PIN

    @superdolphin I've created a ticket for your pin to be reset, this process could take 1-3 days. Pm any ::Staff in-game for updates/progress. Thanks!
  11. Brutal

    Client Problems

    @Rush Pro @ExploCeVo If you're both still experiencing this problem try using the spk client repair tool on the forums home page.
  12. Brutal

    LOST bank pin

    @Vzyl I've created a ticket for your pin reset, please be patient as this could take 1-3 days. Contact any ::Staff in-game for updates/progress. Thanks!
  13. Brutal

    New pet fuse suggestions!

    I like it. I can see the problem with this pet, since it has alien combination you could tele to a certain spot over and over returning and proccing the effect of the pet endlessly. I understand you could "counter" this effect with tb, but a lot of rng can factor into this "counter". I like it Maybe also increase the disease damage to 10 (cause of genie's x2)? I wouldn't see this as OP, since disease takes a while to proc. I like it Debatable, we already have a blood perk that does this. With a trade off of 2.5% extra damage received while dealing 5% more damage. Might need to make the pet effect different or more worthwhile. I like it, the sight of a skulled pvmer. Also will it be the same Drop rate% as tektonic fairy? Or more? meh meh I remember meming this pet fuse, it's too op imo. Meh Meh I like it Meh I like it Maybe instead of removed from enemies prayer, it's added to your own?
  14. Brutal

    Lost my PIN - nightfurry1

    I've created a ticket for you, pm ::staff in-game for any updates on the pin reset. Thanks!
  15. Brutal

    Hello Guys!

    @zanger I don't see anything in the P logs, but I'll ask some other staff members about this ordeal you're in. Is your ign also "zanger"?
  16. Brutal

    Suggestions - Wilderness -Pking - PVM - Misc

    +1, I don't see why not if u remove the phoenix necklace perk. Also yes the pet is pretty rare/hard to obtain since it is 20 golden statues, so this would make the pet definitely more worth if you could drop it as a mini pet as you said. Sure why not for the bm, but i'm on the fence about more mythic gear. +1, I agree shouldn't have been added. I like how rare the weapons were. But it's kinda too late seeing how many weapons have came in due to revs dropping them. Or we can have what tevin said about having a skull or risk requirement for people to get a chance at ancient treasures. +1, useless pet from day 1 Neutral +1 ONLY if the new superior items are dropped IN WILDY ONLY, like how blood money is for boss spawners. If this was not your intention then that's a no from me dawg. +1 I don't see why not, let ppl have bragging rights. Or for people who want to flex raid KC.
  17. Brutal

    need some help instaling the client

    @Spell go to "home" > "play now" > and download either "client 1 or 2". If you need any further help contact me on discord at (Nick!#2659)
  18. Brutal

    Forgot in-game password

    @Lynxi Could you log into an alt in-game and pm me?
  19. Brutal

    Latest Update??????!!!

    Yeah I assume theres going ot be more diamonds exiting the game, than entering. But I appreciate the concern @Dr Lemon
  20. Brutal

    Suggestions for the Grand Completionist Cape ..

    I like this idea, not only because I have one, but the cost is pretty hefty for non ele compers. As 50,000 blood core tokens is roughly = 5t - 6t. And I don't see why not, it's just the matter of, IF Ryan want's to do it. +1 Though
  21. Brutal

    Fix / "Buff" Grand Completionist Cape

    Sure, why not. +1
  22. Yes, I understand how this mechanic works. Thanks for showing proof!
  23. Brutal


    @baksuz53 Looks like you were banned for irl threats and ddos threats. In our rules these will not be tolerated. Topic will be locked.
  24. Brutal

    Lost my PASSWORD/PIN - patrs

    @patrs I've created a ticket for you. Please be patient as this could take up to 1-3 days. Contact any ::Staff in-game for progress/updates on your request. Thanks!
  25. Yeah, I do agree maybe we ele compers should've had some type of cost.