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Everything posted by Brutal

  1. Brutal

    client stopped working

    @killthemall Have u tried using the spk repair tool on forums? here
  2. Brutal

    forgot my accounts password

    @aivapass @aiva1 Ticket has been created, this progress takes 1-3 days. And if everything checks out you will have your account back. Contact any ::Staff in-game for progress/updates. Thanks!
  3. Brutal

    Forgot my pin

    @Emo I've submitted a ticket for a pin reset, this could take 1-3 days so please be patient. Contact any ::staff in-game for updates/progress. Thanks!
  4. Brutal

    forgot my accounts password

    @aiva1 Could you follow this guide here? And make the account name "AivaPass" or something like that? And just reply below, Thanks!
  5. Brutal

    Forgotten PIN - Potato Man

    @Potato Man I've created a ticket for your pin to be reset, please be patient as this could take 1-3 days (possibly less). Pm any ::Staff in-game for updates/progress. Thanks!
  6. Brutal

    Password wont let me log in

    @skasas @michaelmyers has made ticket for you, please be patient as this could take 1-3 days. Pm any ::Staff in-game for updates/progress. Thanks!
  7. Brutal

    Forget password main account

    @Chunk ranger What account is this for? And can you follow this format? Or come pm a ::staff member in-game. Thanks!
  8. Brutal

    Account Password not working/Hacked

    I've submitted a ticket for a password reset, this'll take 1-3 days so please be patient. Pm any ::Staff in-game for progress on your ticket! Thanks!
  9. Brutal

    Account Password not working/Hacked

    @dawizzzrd in-game name?
  10. Brutal

    Lost my PASSWORD/PIN - xzero

    @xzero I've created a ticket for you, sorry this was late been busy. Pm any ::Staff in-game for updates/progress. Thanks!
  11. Brutal

    forum donator rank

    @royal gaa I'll submit a ticket for this.
  12. Brutal

    Forum rank + name

    @M Your forum's name has been changed, but the Mythic rank on forums isn't implemented yet. So most likely when it's added you'll have it!
  13. Brutal


    @Lumemem Doesn't say you're banned on the server. Use the repair tool here And when you download the repair tool, check the option where it says 'you're banned' and lmk if it works!
  14. Brutal

    just started and got banned

    @Lumemem Doesn't say you're banned on the server. Use the repair tool here And when you download the repair tool, check the option where it says 'you're banned' and lmk if it works!
  15. Brutal

    Lost my Password/ Dystro

    @Dystro I've submitted a ticket for you, it'll take 1-3 days for this process. (possibly less) So please be patient and pm ::staff in-game for any updates/progress on your ticket. Thanks!
  16. Brutal

    Lost my Password/ Zerk me off

    handled again.
  17. Brutal

    Lost my pin/Password- Zerk me off

    This was already handled.
  18. Brutal

    Lost my PIN - xvirtue

    forgot to say I already made a ticket and this has been resolved. My apologies
  19. Brutal

    Lost Password: 1sttimebois

    @erbelt Thanks for re-submitting this. Ticket will take 1-3 days roughly, please be patient and contact any ::Staff in-game for updates/progress. Thanks!
  20. Brutal

    Forum rank + name

    @congomen69 I'll sumbit a ticket and see what they can do about this. It could take 1-3days so please be patient. Thanks!
  21. Brutal

    Staff Review + Feedback

    @congomen69 Thank you for the kind words, appreciate it. And what u said about tevin I highly agree. But I don't wanna create a discussion here about it. Thanks!
  22. Brutal

    Lost account : 1sttimebois

    @erbelt Could u possibly log in an alt named "1stTimepin" or something. And use this format here. Therefore we can verify all things needed for what you need. Just post it down below as a reply. Thanks!
  23. Brutal

    Forgot my pin - Maulmuchbro

    @maulmuchbro I've submitted a ticket for a pin reset, it'll take 1-3 days. Please be patient. Contact ::Staff in-game for updates/progress. Thanks!
  24. Brutal


    @dontdie1690 add me on discord if no 1 has helped yet. 'Nick!#2659'
  25. Brutal

    4 Corrupted files in SPK Cache

    @420dank420 Did u try using the spk repair tool on the forums?