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Micro shade4

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Everything posted by Micro shade4

  1. Micro shade4

    Bank All

    I forgot about that benefit, im okay with it just being for ::clanwars and ::duel alongside edgeville
  2. Micro shade4

    Lower barrows NPCs defence in the minigame.

    I should have been yes but, i was hitting an absurd amount of 0's with the bonuses i had.
  3. Micro shade4

    Lower barrows NPCs defence in the minigame.

    I agree! i was using torva pl8 and pl8 legs, magma helm, primordial boots, comp cape, torture (or) vesta spear and karamja gloves 3 and i was hitting constant 0's
  4. Micro shade4

    Forum Activity

    I absolutely agree! forums are dead only a handful of players use the forums daily. Anything that would bring more attention to the forums i will support! -Maybe there could be forum achievements, that could give untradeable ingame rewards sort of like the bloodlust scrolls.
  5. Micro shade4

    [Official] YouTube Kharazi Event ($300 In Bonds)

    This is great! Can't wait to see the creativeness of some of our youtubers, and hopefully see some new youtubers!
  6. Micro shade4

    Armour Presets.

    I didn't know about that... but did you expect me to know? like "yeah let me ask the mods how to save my presets because i know that that's an option i have....." Make a guide on how to save your presets if client doesn't work, Before you talk down to people for not knowing that something was possible to do. You think i have the patience to wait for the staff who always have their pm's off to answer me back on the forums. A new update comes out and you expect me to wait several days for a reply. This was a simple suggestion to avoid using this process that you stated above and would generally make people's (especially those who aren't tech savvy) live's easier. I would also appreciate it if you don't talk to me like im a child, it's rude. I've never been rude to you but you speak to me like i'm 5. Have a Nice Day.
  7. Micro shade4

    Armour Presets.

    I've recently had some issues with the client not loading for me, and it seems like the only solution is for me to uninstall the spawnpk file and data. Doing so i end up losing all my presets having over 150 presets at a point then losing them is annoying but i got over it, but then 1 week later i have to uninstall again for some reason. At this point I had already remade about 25 of my old presets and they are gone just like that! I don't want to keep going through this cycle of deleting spk and losing all my presets and having to recreate them just for them to be deleted again. I don't know if the idea i have in mind is possible but it would definitely be cool to see. - Have the ability to Upload your entire preset collection somewhere, to be able to download them again in the future.(Like a Backup Save) Or be able to share presets with other players. or -Have the preset section of the client be Ingame Linked to your account. Ex: you will only be able to access the presets after you have logged in, in the "Achievement Tab" or a new icon by the minimap. or - Have the presets be linked to accounts only transfering to the client when logged in, for example: i have 2 accounts, If i make a preset on "Micro shade4" and im logged on to my alt "Ms4" i would only be able to see presets on the client that i have made while logged into "Ms4". I'm not the best at explaining things so if you are unclear with what i'm trying to say just ask and i will try to clarify. PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK!
  8. Micro shade4

    food + vodka

    There are other things for that, A runescape private server is not the place for this. try walking to a place to eat ...................................
  9. Micro shade4

    Dark bow nerf

    I agree, Nerf its damage on someone using overhead prayers.
  10. Micro shade4

    Achievements Category on Forums

    I support this suggestion! I'm always on board when it comes to improving the experience on the forums, and i think adding what you suggested would bring more people to use forums maybe?!
  11. Micro shade4

    News Broadcast in Pm's (QoL)

    So i believe the news that gets broadcasted right under your private messages should be changed so that its not there 100% of the time and it comes and goes every 5-10 minutes with different "news". Because as it is right now any news that's broadcasted there won't go away, and it's a little annoying and eye catching. I know you can completely turn it off, but how would i know about certain things that are going on in the community like giveaways and new videos released by some of our youtubers. If i always have it set to off? I'm not going to constantly be turning it on and off. Ex: You log in and you get the news broadcast, after a couple minutes it disappears just like private messages do. 5-10 minutes later another broadcast appears with different news( if there is any new "news" ). and the cycle repeats. We could possibly use the news broadcast to get people to use the forums more often, since i feel as if most of the newer players don't use forums at all. something like the "Info" yells saying, "got any cool ideas for SpawnPk? Leave your suggestions at ::forums" Etc... Imagine being forced to read the same story everyday.XD
  12. Micro shade4

    News Broadcast in Pm's (QoL)

    I believe everyone is missing the point.
  13. Micro shade4

    showcasing a 75t bank? 5b giveaway

    Yeah it is a little weird for that small of a giveaway but beggars cant be choosers so..... yeah its also his shit so he can choose whether to give shit out or not.
  14. Micro shade4

    Godswords (or)

    100% agree with this. we don't need to buff the ags or claws.
  15. Micro shade4

    Rogue Chest attacking through walls

    I was just stealing from the rogues chest when a player comes from ele spawn and goes behind the castle (other side of wall) and was able to hit us with his Trident of the swamp. Anyone who had melee equipped and Attacked him would be taken around to the other side. Anyone who had ranged would be able to hit him through the walls. I have not extensively tested this out, all i know is that: -Darkbows work through the wall at rogues chest. -Trident of the swamp works through the wall at rogues chest. -Teleblock works through the wall at rogues chest. -Wind strike works though the wall at rogues chest. *there's a high chance that all or most spells/ranged weapons work though the wall* This is a screenshot of me testing this with wind strike, just to prove that its a problem that needs to be fixed asap. EDIT: You can also thieve from the chest from the other side of the wall. Here you can see the player in Ahrims thieving from the otherside of the wall.
  16. Micro shade4

    [2/14/2018] Surge spells, enchanted gloves, and more!

    Yeah i agree, I've crafted some runes and I can run in with no risk and even if i die after crafting my runes its just 1 invo worth of runes which you can get from a dragon drop anyways...
  17. Micro shade4

    Ive been ban

    Make a ban appeal under "Appeal an offence" Link Below https://spawnpk.net/forums/index.php?/forum/25-appeal-an-offense/
  18. Micro shade4

    [2/14/2018] Surge spells, enchanted gloves, and more!

    Been waiting for this all day! great update ryan!
  19. Micro shade4

    New Nhers?

    I'd rather become accustomed to doing something first before going against someone who knows exactly what they are doing. Otherwise i would just because flustered and it wouldn't be a fun experience. Also this is to bring out people who are afraid to try something new.
  20. Micro shade4

    EP3 Final!

    - 4:08 - I'm your Target! Nice video man, keep it up !
  21. Micro shade4

    Wilderness suggestions #1

    I don't think this is a good idea. removing the multi logging rule would do more harm than good. The rule is there to stop Kill farming/Killstreak farming, and im not quite sure if killing yourself on another account gives you the bloodmoney drop you get off a regular kill but if it does then that's another reason to not have this rule Removed. -No support
  22. Micro shade4

    abyssal sire

    I've been here for a year and 5-6 months and i've killed abyssal sire once. It's a useless boss, which is annoying to fight and doesn't really reward you for killing it. It has horrible drops the most expensive of its drops and also in the "very rare" category Is the donator mystery box for a total of 5b or less. The other drops in the "rare" category are junk. -"Rare" drops. ^I edited the eternal glories in to this picture cuz it fit perfectly but these are actual prices that i checked today while making this post. Imagine trying to make money off these drops when you only get a drop every couple hundred kills. - "Very Rare" drops. ^edited in the abyssal sire pet in with the donator boxes, These were prices checked today while making this post. LIKE I SAID ONLY KILLED IT ONCE BECAUSE ITS DEAD CONTENT. You have my support for improving abyssal sire in anyway.
  23. Micro shade4


    Yessss it really killed the experience of the entire mage bank event. It was fun seeing everyone grinding to try and get these new items before others but it's no fun when someone can donate and have it all.
  24. Micro shade4

    *News* + Yells

    Kinda not super important and i don't know if anyone feels the same way about this but its annoying when I have *Yell* Selected on my chat settings and i see people just spamming "gzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" then i have to switch it to see what is going on and why everyone is going crazy about. I think the *news* yells should be added to Yell so i don't have to constantly switch to *all* to see what people are gzzzzzing at I know its kinda stupid but w/e. What do you guys think?
  25. Micro shade4

    Rift guardian In Epic pet boxes

    Remove This 400m pet from a 50$ pet box -RIFT GUARDIAN SHOULDN'T BE IN EPIC PET BOX JUST MY OPINION- NO EFFECT = USELESS PET *-PUT IT IN NORMAL PET BOX ---For anyone thinking i got one from a epic pet box and i'm just mad, that is not the case i have never gotten a rift guardian from a epic pet box.