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Micro shade4

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Everything posted by Micro shade4

  1. Micro shade4

    More loot per pk kill

    Agreed +1
  2. Micro shade4

    Castle Wars

    To be honest i don't think it would be very popular.
  3. Micro shade4

    Max hit dummy

    @Ryan @Ramzi @Phenomenon @Kellatha @Casey @Tweva @Jean Paul @The aurora We need this added! It's been suggested multiple times by other players and me. The point is that it is a great suggestion that has only gotten positive feedback and players want this! 100000% support from me.
  4. Micro shade4

    Targets and Pvp timer

    Okay so i was fighting my target, trying to level up my emblems. The fight dragged out a little until he was out and he teleported out and i instantly teleported after him and killed him within 3-4 seconds right outside the bank. As soon as he teleported out i lost him as my target, but the pvp timer was still up, after i killed him i didn't receive an emblem because he wasn't my target anymore, It was a complete waste of time. -My suggestion is for when situations like these happen is that the player you are fighting who is also your target should stay your target until the pvp timer runs out (if they had teled out) I don't know if this was just a bug that happened to me or it was made like this. What do you guys think?
  5. Micro shade4

    Presets and Ammo - BUG

    Alright so if im pking with my ballista setup and i die and i end up keeping 2 items it would be ballista and my elemental javelins, but i would only keep one out of the 5 javelins i bring into the wilderness. So the issue is: When i die and keep those 2 items ballista and 1 elemental javelin, and i click my preset to spawn it and pk again; it won't spawn the other 4 javelins and only moves the 1 javelin i kept after death into the ammo slot. this has fucked me over so many times because I end up using the 1 ammo i have thinking i have more when i don't... Now this is only an issue when you have the 1 kept after death, if you have none in your inventory when spawning the preset it will take out the correct amount. I only know of this happening with elemental javelins, but it probably happens with any ammo that is unspawnable.
  6. Micro shade4

    Max Cape Requirements

    For some reason i am not able to equip my fire max cape even tho i am maxed. "you do not meet the requirements to wear this" - I have all the requirements.... But i can wear my completionist cape 1 and 2. a lot of other players have been having this issue Please fix soon, along with some of my suggestions. @Ryan @Ramzi
  7. Micro shade4

    *NEW* Max capes

    I love the new max capes update as it gives something to grind towards regarding bounty's and magebank. There is a bug with the Fire Max Cape, I have the requirements but i cannot wear it. *possibly affects other capes* "you do not meet the requirements to wear this" (Ryan knows) I think Ava's Max Cape (t) needs some sort of buff maybe to defence or ranged strength, or else i don't think many players would be buying it as many people prefer the Ava's accumulator (t) look. Not just that but i haven't seen many players using the Ava's accumulator (t) often, probably because the Completionist capes have slightly lower ranged bonuses but have attack bonuses and defence which i believe outweighs the +10 ranged attack bonus and +5 ranged strength you get from the Ava's Accumulator (t) - My suggestion for this is to either add more Ranged bonuses to the Ava's Max Cape (t) or give it decent defence bonuses (or both). If im sacrificing my Ava's (t) and paying 10m bounty's i should get a cape that's better than my Ava's. Not to mention the cape has requirements as the Ava's accumulator does not. Saradomin, Zamorak, Guthix Max Capes. Same Issue as Ava (t) cape, Needs some sort of Buff to make people want to buy it other then just cosmetic. Possibly add defence. ^ Costs an Imbued god cape and 10k magic tokens to obtain a Imbued God cape that u need requirements for.. I don't really have anything to say about The new Infernal max cape, other then add the black particle glow effect to the Infernal max cape. Before some of you freak out.. I'm not asking for stats identical to The Completionist capes; I'm just asking for buffs to make these capes worth Sacrificing and spending the Bounties/Magic tokens for, because as of right now they are expensive cosmetics with requirements when the originals are cheaper and no requirements. What do you guys think? If you have other alternatives to what i just wrote about please leave it below i would like to hear everyone's input.
  8. Micro shade4

    Obsidian armour and ancient mace buff

    You are now resorting to insult when i'm just trying to leave my input, I've been playing this server for over a year and a half and I pk more than anything else i do.
  9. Micro shade4

    Obsidian armour and ancient mace buff

    The fact that i can smite 42 prayer in 1 spec without obsidian armour is enough to say that obby armour does not need a smite buff.
  10. Micro shade4

    Obsidian armour and ancient mace buff

    I think it's normal for it to smite that much; it's not insanely low but it also isn't overpowered its in the right spot. You also need to remember that Elder maul is a high hitting weapon as it is so you will be constantly hitting more 65's or even higher. - couple this with a spec weapon like barrelchest war axe and you are set.
  11. Micro shade4

    Obsidian armour and ancient mace buff

    I smited someone today with no smite increasing armour just unholy smite. Not only that but i went and tested barrelchest war axe without any obby armour or any smite increasing pets, just unholy smite. i specced a 68 and my alt lost 42 prayer and remember this weapon takes 50% spec and has smite effect, so 2 high hits would smite someone no problem. ^ I tested this at clan wars, for the most accurate results i did not activate any prayers on my alt. so in an actual pking senario the player you are fighting most likely has at least 3 prayer's activated; and depending on their prayer bonus it will drain faster or slower. +Barrelchest Waraxe's stats are on par with the ags, with slightly lower attack bonus but higher strength bonus.
  12. Micro shade4

    Obsidian armour and ancient mace buff

    The armour is fine how it is. it's already autokeep buffing it even more would be too op. Plus we have holy berserker pet, unholy smite, Barrelchest Waraxe (which has a smite effect) ^Try using a vigour and spam vls as spec im sure you will smite someone then. If not then they are obviously drinking pray pots.. Regarding the ancient mace suggestion you had of buffin it, I agree it needs a buff but nowhere near what you wrote, I'm thinking just an accuracy buff; because it already hits through prayer, having it hit 55-65 through protection prayers with 2 specs and also draining whatever you hit from prayer is way too much, especially with all the Smite bonuses in this game.
  13. Micro shade4

    Anyone Else

  14. Micro shade4

    Pures and Autocast

    1st suggestion: Yes! I asked for right click autocast about a year ago. 2nd suggestion: I do support variety when pking, but i don't think the pure community would be more active then it is now. The reason people don't pure pk is because it's just Primal mauls and Granite maul specs. even when i had to do my 350 pure kills for achievements i went into deep wild and fought mains. Fights are too quick and there is no risk when fighting pures, unlike mains where you find some people who risk something, pures don't..
  15. Micro shade4

    Comp cape

    I wasn't saying pking is great here, nor am i saying that i want a comp cape for pvm/skilling; im fine the way it is right now. I was only stating the importance of having pvm/skilling regularly updated on this server alongside pvp. I also agree with you on everything you stated. Do you have any suggestions on how fix anything you listed? I'm curious because i might make a separate post about it.
  16. Micro shade4

    Comp cape

    I really don't know if you are trolling or not, but i'll explain it in other words incase you are serious with what you said; and did not understand what i meant. picture this: Spawnpk removes all pvm related things this means monsters, teleport spots, tele commands, ect.... what would that leave us with? just edge pkers because there would be no point in going anywhere else to pk, any items which are obtainable through pvm will now be in some sort of shop, meaning you somehow have to make money pking, or even donate to get common pk items like serps, claws, ags ect..... - Items would be alot harder to come by because we won't have pvmers to farm a boss all day and sell them in tp.^ - we won't have a reliable way of making money. (Possibly just donate for items/cash) - there would be only pking so if you get bored might as well log off because its "spawnpk" you can't do anything else other than pk. - Wilderness would be dead (other then edge) - We wouldn't have clans, clans are usually associated with deep wilderness so if there isn't any reason to go up there... goodbye clans - We wouldn't have random players who just got loot from a boss, to pk. So much contributes to this servers success and it isn't just pking. Pking supports Pvm and Pvm supports Pking.
  17. Micro shade4

    Comp cape

    I agree with most of this, yes this is a pk server but it doesn't mean we should completely exclude any pvm or skilling suggestions. There are different variety of players on this server and I gaurantee if pvm/skilling wasn't updated or improved regularly, the player base would drop.
  18. Micro shade4

    wilderness command warnings

    Ehh i could argue thats its not the victim's fault, remember the people who lure normally target newish players with not much knowledge of the game; and since every server is different to an extent something that might be safe on one server may not be on here. -the wilderness teleport prompts should be able to be toggled on/off from the settings menu
  19. Micro shade4

    wilderness command warnings

    Yes i agree there should prompts before you use a wilderness tele command
  20. Micro shade4

    BMTmicro GONE!

    I haven't had any problems with them.
  21. Micro shade4

    Bank All

    I think you should be able to use the "Bank All" option in more places then just edgeville. like: - ::Clan wars - ::Duel - All Donator zones - ::Gamble - ::Help - ::Mb I think it would be a great idea. What do you guys think?
  22. Micro shade4

    Enchanted Slayer Helm

    When I say overpowered I don't mean as in its stats are to high, I mean it's and auto keep helmet that deals 45% increased damage and even more drop rate bonus on top of all the drop rate increasing items/pets we already have. I think it's too much. That's just my opinion
  23. Micro shade4

    Enchanted Slayer Helm

    As much as i love when items are autokeep I believe it may be too overpowered to be an "autokeep" item. I fully support it being a regular item but at a higher cost to obtain
  24. Micro shade4


    Agreed, you have my support!
  25. Micro shade4

    25B Giveaway!!!

    Good luck guys!