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Everything posted by rated

  1. rated

    "Any pics" "if not be quiet" RATED....

    He had to tb and rush with me korasi for you to get that kill pic. that's what has got to do with it or did you forget? memory loc?
  2. rated

    "Any pics" "if not be quiet" RATED....

    See here is the difference. Nick isn't the type of person to improve and when someone gets better than him he gets salty and tbs and rushes an nh fight( pretty low ofc) then he avoids 1v1ing without his cc. Yeezus if it was anyones kill. it was nicks out of the fact that he rushed me and killed me not to mention he is sitting there with a divine. Yet whenever I come in with a divine I get called a noob and a shit pker. If we go by what you guys say then almost all of bullysquad are shit pkers/noobs. So, next time you guys try and come up with something smart think a little bit and make sure when won't come back and bite you plebs on the ass ty
  3. rated

    "Any pics" "if not be quiet" RATED....

  4. https://gyazo.com/4f6ff5c904b800abb73e9310122d3ce6 makes me tele once because i was lagging then the next fight he teles. ill post the pic of him teleing away if i need to but he is scared of a 3-way .
  5. rated

    Stick to pvming, seriously..

    When bully-squad can only get kills while piling specs after they tbed them. Gg on 500m though
  6. rated

    Stick to pvming, seriously..

    Lol, when bullysquad posts a pic of you dying to 5+ people but claims they are a "singles" cc yet all they do is hide behind their clanmates or well let me rephrase "under" their clanmates lmfaoooo. Man the cc has went downhill the past few months smh #zealotcan'trag
  7. rated

    New Fusion Pet Idea.

    I do like the idea of a pet that has this effect however i do not believe it should be implemented as a fusion pet. I think it should just be a new pet altogether out of the fact that neither the prayer spirit pet nor the special spirit pet has any of the effects that would effect combat stats. To be honest, i agree that spirit pets should be used more in the fusion system for there is plenty in-game and the prices steadily are crashing on them. I do give a +1 just as a new pet. Great idea though man!
  8. rated

    New pet idea

    Thanks man, i appreciate the response and your support
  9. rated

    New pet idea

    So, recently we have been getting a lot of ideas just for the pet fuser but i want to give a new pet idea altogether however i also can see it in the pet fuser as a combination of cerberus and death pet. Dark matter pet. -Gives a +5 bonus to all stat's as well as equipment stats. Or for the cerb+ death -Gives a +5 defence bonus as well as +5 to equipment stats and has the same effect as death pet. Give me some feed back
  10. rated

    Grey screen.

    Yeah, that's what fixed it.
  11. rated

    Grey screen.

    https://gyazo.com/9846d36d2c92c388458c0a3782ed72f1 Does anyone know a decent fix for this? i have tried redownloading client and restarting my computer
  12. rated

    Grey screen.

    No, it happens when i pull up the spk client. It hasn't even loaded to get to the login screen.
  13. rated

    Wheelchairm8 getting 5headed.

    Also way back isn't now bud, ive only been nhing for a few months and i only started nhing on this server. So ofc when we had nhed i was terrible but feel free to join me in-game and try again and if you haven't improved since then im sorry to say this for your concern but you would be easy.
  14. rated

    Wheelchairm8 getting 5headed.

    L0l nice pics from 4 months ago get some updated pics then come and talk please not to mention i have no problem 5-6way nhing. Ask z75 i fought him plenty yesterday with 5-6 way switches and didn't really have that much of a problem. I appreciate you trying to say something bad about me but once again you have failed im sorry
  15. rated


    Headhunter, i find if funny that legit everyone other than your friends you consider a toxic person just because you have ran into them before. Stop calling everyone toxic and you may gain more respect yourself. Motivation, you seem to be a decent person towards me at least but in general you still have loads to improve on, be more active and help other players. I do indeed see you at gamble often and i haven't recalled you being in the "help" cc. I recommend doing these things for it will help you on whether or not you receive a mod/helper status.
  16. rated

    Pk brakes

    I wasn't referring to the picture itself i was referring to the time played on it but it was really just for ramzi to see.
  17. rated

    Pk brakes

    I was told that my ticket for "Pk brakes" was replied to by ramzi stating that i wasn't the owner of the account. I am not aware of giving it to my friend but to show proof that it is indeed my account i went and took a picture of an old rsps i used to play with the same in-game name. I have other ways to prove that it is indeed my account but i need the ticket to be responded to and a message sent to me on forums. https://gyazo.com/ec2c63244e146572bf4e3480cf47bbd8 here is a picture of me on the old rsps and my current main on spawnpk.
  18. rated

    Pk brakes

    Im sorry, let me know when you grow up.
  19. rated

    Pk brakes

    If it was meant to be an advertiser it wouldn't be on forums, don't comment on topics that 1. doesn't concern you 2. you have no reason to be on.
  20. rated

    Shatterer's Helper Application

    Being a mod/helper isnt just about being active in-game, you have to keep an eye on forums and help there just as much and probably even more. I haven't really seen you help out much or even in help chat (note taken to where you say you haven't, but im just informing that its a necessity). But if you start helping i'm sure it won't go unnoticed for you are a very nice individual and you seem to have the mental aptitude to want to help. However, i have to stay neutral until i see you helping out more. If you can do that then its a +1 from me.
  21. rated

    Jadzz staff application v2

    Even though i do like you as a person and you do help out as i have seen, (not as much in-game but more than enough on forums) i have to agree with faith pots. You've got to learn to ignore people and not let them get on your bad side no matter how much they irritate you i as well will remain neutral in this.
  22. rated

    Trade post glitch?

    This is not a glitch, when you went to sell the item you may have typed in 7 into the wrong spot and ended up doing it again on accident not realizing what you had done.
  23. rated

    Amulet of the damned

    Shit, i meant 250* Don't mind me im sleep deprived
  24. rated

    Amulet of the damned

    If this is added in-game it should be added to the barrows money-making activity as well. Ill support since it will give players more reason to use dharok's armor and i doubt itll be added if it has the degrading effect. No item in-game degrades and disappears they merely degrade and you can get them fixed. id say it should be for like 1250 blood money that way it stays in the 1-1.5b area.
  25. rated

    Rated Staff Application

    Thanks man its appreciated