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Everything posted by rated

  1. rated

    It is coming.

    Lmao i begged? No bud that was macjim. Why would i beg to be in a clan where the only person i even liked was royalwolf? Doesnt make sense but then again bullysquad always did have a way to make the most retarded things make sense and i cleared all but gf 1v24 and yeezus all the rest including nick got cleared and that remains to this day. And if im not worth your shit then why do you avoid me? We both were at wdgepvp yestersay yet you stayed lvl 82. Wyd m8? Ill legit run over you and you wont have anything left to say just like mindstate. He got smacked so hard his only comeback is 4-0 in which were team kills because no one can kill me without tbing me. So keep avoiding me, i know im #1. Btw you have no room to call anyone rat lmao. Everyone that was in bullysquad was so conceded that they couldnt take the flame they were dishing out so they reported everyone to get their way. Regardless, you have no business on this post. You are not an nher so you are irrelevant. It really makes me feel bad though man you keep bringing up killing me several times almost a year ago yet you are legit so scared of me that you just talk shit on a post. Ive already cleared pm 4 help he wont even nh me anymore saying " you're ass" after running me out of food once out of the 15 times we nhed. And he says he took a pic of it but guess what, to every one pic he may have of me i have 6 to of him. So just like ive already done to him dont make me embarrass you.
  2. rated

    It is coming.

    For all those out there that have put my name out since ive been away, just know that its coming. So get your kill pics of me whilst you can, because i am having to readjust once again and when im done thats the end. I only get better from here. You know who you are, all of you do. I have already laid one person to rest, you're about to witness a domino effect and dont worry, for those of you who say they have videos of me then go ahead and post them. Because i have some videos coming soon as well. So do what you have to do whether thats praying, training or gathering more clan members but i promise you. Nothing will save you.
  3. rated

    It is coming.

    Clearer of what is left of bullysquad.
  4. rated

    It is coming.

    I have quite a few on mindstate/nick which will be posted in a video coming in the future. That was just a teaser.
  5. rated

    It is coming.

    Its okay, note that no one commented anything about what i posted about pm 4 help. Quite factual that they have nothing to say about it. He merely planked and there is no excuse.
  6. rated

    It is coming.

    @PM 4 HELP Pm macjim for f3 lessons
  7. rated

    It is coming.

    Or are you talking about pm 4 help? Because he has no room to talk. I am sorry this took so long to post i meant to have it done by last night however my editor was being ridiculous so i had to make do.
  8. rated

    It is coming.

    Wow, Mindstate got sat 7x versus me. Now, that i just said it you gonna believe me too? Damn dude you need to get yourself checked if you are persuaded that easily. Lmfao
  9. rated

    It is coming.

    This is hurting my iq points m8 Let me dull it down, I was fighting nick/mindstate and pm 4 help goes to ags me, i turn on melee prayer but im a little too early so he hits a 50 on me. That being said i had 2 options when he agsed me the second time, that was to either try and get some distance and possibly hope that i don't get killed by the second ags or to stay there when im already unfrozen on melee prayer for another 15 seconds ill be frozen and can't really go anywhere, i juked mindstate around for a good 45 seconds on one of the times he got me tbed. Was quite a pitiful performance by him as well.
  10. rated

    It is coming.

  11. rated

    It is coming.

    And for the record, if im so shit then how come they cant post any nh kill pics? Right, they dont have any. #number1nher
  12. rated

    It is coming.

    I pipe up in-game too. Pm me for loc anytime just like the rest and end up planking just like the rest.
  13. rated

    It is coming.

    Doggy, i think when i went to render what im going to post. i accidentally added something else so its taking forever. Its only at 60% right now and i have work soon so i will make sure its right and post it in the morning. You will laugh @ pm 4 help's panic tele to a 67 claw spec ( if it was a 70-80 he was dead so he should consider himself lucky). Something he can't pull off on me unless he tbs me. Infact, i don't think the kiddo ran me out of food a single time in a 1v1. yet i have more than enough clips to show how many times he teled away and exactly how much food i have left. (i bring 10 flasks and at the end of 5 fights i have at least 5 brews left. On one, i had seven brews left and on another i had like 6 and a half and went on to nh godpker after destroying pm 4 help's dreams at ever becoming a good nher. Also i think i ran godpker out once of those 2 times and had a brew and a half left. Might have to look back at it.) I have already said only yeezus and gf 1v24 have ever successfully ran me out or killed me in an nh fight. And that still remains factual. Mindstate never compared to me and refuses to admit he couldn't compare @edgepvp so he asked to hybrid fight( i had only hybridded 2 times before this or something like that but regardless of the amount it wasn't much) and he got killed and he still says #1 never will die. Sorry m8, you're delusional you already have before. Couldn't compete in hybrid fights nor nh fights and that probably hasn't changed. And if we are going by nh/hybrid kills, its 1-0 bub. Show people an nh kill pic of me that you didn't have to tb me on. Oh wait, you don't have one. It never happened. It never will.
  14. rated

    It is coming.

    no i didn't? lol, he agsed me and i was a second too late and he hit a 50, so then i switched to mage prayer to try and see if i could get away and he agsed me again and i didn't bother switching because i didn't want them to catch a freeze if they didn't kill me. However, i think that was the fight i actually got away from. 5 min tb with 4 brews? come on kiddo's that's embarrassing.
  15. rated

    It is coming.

    ? don't get it. I had less than 3 brews on 5 min tb there was no sense to pray melee, i prayed mage so that i could try and escape. Lets talk about it, risk the little hp i had and hope that you don't hit me for high and possibly get away or pray melee and get frozen taking me back 15 seconds. Naw m8 i did right, but its fine. I have your little 3hp mishap rendering so i would like to see your excuse to get out of it. Its sad that you actually have to pj to get me below 20hp once, don't even have enough skill to 1v1 me and do it. Dang bro i really feel bad for you.
  16. rated

    It is coming.

    You can outtank multi cc's? gz m8 they 2.5 you at the start of the fight and all you have to do is get away or log. Damn you is so good. And idk what you mean i tanked mindstate and pm 4 help on 5 min tb with 4 brews (without divine). With divine i doubt i would have needed a single brew because their switches are predictable and their specs are even more obvious. Vid coming out when i get more clips however istg only coming out with a vid that only shows how bad mindstate and pm 4 help is. However as soon as it renders ill give you a little insight. Ima leave the 3x in a row that mindstate ags's me while i sat there on melee prayer for a good second and a half. Kinda makes we wonder whether he knows what he is doing or not. Btw this little insight involves one of pm 4 helps many planks so i hope he is looking forward to it.
  17. rated

    It is coming.

    Lol if you think you can f3 better than me feel free to show up. However, don't get upset if things don't go your way.
  18. rated

    It is coming.

    not to mention i stay on a 20-24 fps, (might have fixed this im not sure yet but will get back soon) and i can actually prove that i was on this fps because it was the same as the other day with pm 4 help (and he still got smacked)
  19. rated

    It is coming.

    I was tbed headhunter with 3 brews, i wasn't living. Btw, pm 4 help doesn't even come near me unless nick is around to back him up so that's okay. Stay your distance i know you are scared. And damn mindstate, vigour, full morrigans, anguish or, you need all of that just to not even kill me? feels bad man. Btw, here is the setup i am currently using if you wish to give it a try. https://gyazo.com/982218455f350060b00bb863d52134bc?token=46cd1003dd8649b1743ff1165f8a97d9 but for the record. Here is one. https://gyazo.com/6c90209cca1e52c6bd76701136f6b3c5 here is another https://gyazo.com/44ca8321c2139277fe4b84de16a77ee1. Gear setup for range he uses -> https://gyazo.com/31516efb7e8be187585da37f4b940d79 Prods range 90% of the time so very important here. My gear setup for range -> https://gyazo.com/69510a5f09fcbc3c48d24547cd054fdd well, lets talk about it. you ran out of food more or about the same as many times as i did, I landed many more specs because you can't f3, Prods mage so he can run around so fun Kinda reminds me of pm 4 help. except worse really man, you gear 3x better than me and still can't kill me without tbs. nice m8
  20. rated

    It is coming.

    Depends, there is a lot of jokes going on here. One is your nh skills, Here ill tell you what your first 8 steps in an nh fight is 1. Barrage 2. bolt 3. bolt 4. whip 5. barrage 6. barrage 7. whip 8. barrage. then the cycle repeats or you might occasionally throw in the whip again after #7. Its an nh fight m8 not a hybrid sesh wyd. Not to mention you camp mage pray like its the worse thing that can happen to you. No wonder you couldn't compete, if you stopped then you might not run out of food before i can finish getting through 4 of my brews. Also, ive actually went easy on you up to this point. I normally bring 14-15 brews to a fight and recently ive only been bringing 10( still getting used to the prayer locations again because dt got me fucked up) so that i can have a little of food just incase i fuck up a prayer switch. I have it on vid of you planking with me having 7 brews left over, fighting another person and making them tele and still have food left. I can shorten the clip if you would like a little insight i do not mind posting. Or how about that little 3hp mishap you had and then panic teleing? Or how about the 3 ags in a row on melee prayer that i was sitting on for 2 and a half seconds with your ags pulled and you still specced on me. L00000000000000000l. You can pick i don't mind sharing a lil bit just for a sneak peek. I showed to tevin while he was eating and he was like "damn, all i saw was full hp to redbar". And i don't need exceptional gear to outplay you, ill use mystics, abyssal whip, rune cbow, sotd, and just for extra embarrassment a blue hween and still smack you.
  21. https://gyazo.com/f0e39cb58703e2bded96888e157c4a03 <- https://gyazo.com/de27d3842091e9b6cc1078b4facb1a2c Hmm, I thought this was an nh cc? #team10notastheyappear? Seems to me all team 10 is, is bullysquad wannabe's who never made the cut. nice team kill though, only took you a little over 3 and a half mins to kill me on 1/4 of food. Lmfao gg 400m, oh shit wait within the time it took for me to take the gyazo's i already made i back. Damn im good. https://gyazo.com/ab30dfae967b0655c685bb49273c0108 <- loc of mage gear? you won't kill me with just a zbow and full inv of food unless im tbed. (tbh this isn't unexpected from morbid, the last time he tried nhing me he died 6x in a row and gave up @crazy arch. Always down for a replay though @morbid. https://gyazo.com/7c302f9758e108cff83c0bab7c7075a1 <- its bad when an alien has more mage bonus than you do L0l Just another cc that tries to be bullysquad and just like bullysquad it will end. Btw if anyone hasn't seen phenomenons vid (exposing the trashtalkers 3 (bullysquad)) i suggest you go watch it, you might recognize a few things that are similar to this post. Only 1 person has ever killed me in an nh fight legit in the past 5 months and that was yeezus, however i give props to gf 1v24 for coming close. All others have legit made themselves out to be clowns and it looks like it will continue but you know what, that's fine with me. Just a headsup made mindstate plank to me so hard yesterday he had to put on a divine so that he could get his health back up. LMFAO
  22. rated

    It is coming.

    Make your jokes. You guys can barely touch me while tbing me, none of you have come close to killing me in an actual nh fight. So be my guest hide behind your clan more. Gives me more content. Mindstate has already proved he hasnt gotten any better within 2 months of playing the same game. Only way he knows how to get a kill is rushing someone. Btw that korasi to claw spec, kudos m8 you made it halfway through your gear switch and couldnt even hit more than a 35( next time i suggest you use turmoil, you might actually hit better lmao). Mindstate still planks to me in 1v1s thats why he calls his team amd so does pm 4 help. So far thats the person i have the most content on. Pm how you gonna plank to someone on a 20 fps? L0l its bad when i have legit 9 clips of you not even getting me to half my inventory of food them i go on to fight another person and made them tele once( i ran out of restores on one but i had like a brew and a half but stg). Second day back in the community and already have more plankers than the amount of times zeplin99 suicided.
  23. rated

    Team 10 Official 2v2 Tournament [big prize]

    Your sense of humor is great pls share i tb
  24. rated

    wat u looking at?

    It okay though, im vidding so you just wait
  25. rated

    wat u looking at?

    Pm 4 help wuu2? You haven't killed me once and haven't even gotten close to running me out of food in a 1v1 and haven't even come close to killing me. We can take this to edgepvp and go at it until one of us kills each other and then posts pic here. Sounds fair to me, infact how about this i won't post a single killpic until i have 3 and if you get a single one before me ill give you bragging rights. More than fair eh?