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Everything posted by rated

  1. rated

    Paranormal Week Out Ft Clan World Demoralized.

    Lmao, they post the one pic of me dying in mystics, blue hween, and sotd after i had completely destroyed 2 other players before that(both died). Next time i bring divine i do 8v1 all die yes? #tryme
  2. rated

    Another team10 random deaded bird you're my dog

    I find it funny how he says trigg would close yet "team 10" not only closed but most of the members if not all got banned lmao
  3. rated

    Client is really small

    Have you tried dragging the corners in resizeable? If not, try redownloading the cache it might be a small glitch.
  4. rated

    [Official] Facebook $100 giveaway

    Thank you! Liked the page, shared the page, shared the post, liked the post, and gave a good shoutout on my facebook for all osrs players to come and join
  5. rated

    [Official] Facebook $100 giveaway

    #nolink i feel lied to.
  6. rated

    Rated's new staff app

    Unfortunately, even if i do get "helper" status i wont be able to unban you plus depending on which rules you broke there is no guarantee that i would even be able to unban you if i did recieve "moderator status". Tbh, all i can say is appeal and hope for the best. Unless the actions for your punishment were severe and not appealable then you should still have a chance at getting unbanned. Regardless, i wish you all the luck.
  7. rated

    Moderator incentives

    I see a lot of things that would benefit players ingame but not once have i seen anything that might benefit not only spk players but also the moderators we have and may have. I suggest we start adding in incentives to being a moderator. Whether it be a slight better drop rate or an item that gives them some sort of bonus (of course not too overpowered but something along the lines of an elemental weapon). Also, they should be given a chance to make a little more cash ingame based on how well they do in a week/month. Doing this will not only increase the amount of players that may wish to become a moderator but it will also benefit the game by making the moderators do a better job and get it done in a timely manner. Just a suggestion but regardless i do think something needs to be given back to all of our mods.
  8. rated

    Rated's new staff app

    I have not broken any rules, i got uid banned for ddos threats that were not made (hence why i am here today). And all other offences i may have had have all been cleared. I have numerous but people (mainly bullysquad characters) dont like me and try to get me out of the game so its to be expected. Btw thanks @Rebin but i have an odd schedule so i normally play either late at night or early morning because i work overnight. However, mondays and tuesdays are when i may be on at other times. Also as i have said, i have been playing for a long time. I have done several dps, helped in help chat, and on yell with the usual "pm me if you are in need of any help". I have been a clan leader, a proficient clan member, and also a solo pker. Any area of this game i have good knowledge of. Also, i am friends with many youtubers in which i do not mind naming and im sure i could convince them to do a commentary of spk if i tried however i am planning to start putting out my own vids soon enough.
  9. rated


    It is legit impossible for it to be like osrs or rs3 when it comes to the combat system due to to ticks it takes to eat. Take away that and you wont be able to out eat high rush specs but if they believe not then ask to test it lmao
  10. rated

    Rated's new staff app

    Thank you jadzz
  11. rated


    Hold on, let me clear something up. This is legit the only spawn curse prayer server that has a decent combat system. When you go to others you get that summoning bs and thats just ugly in my opinion. At least on this server, everything has a weakness. Ele cbow/any other good weapons=divine/dhin bulwark. Divine=zbow/bc sword. The only thing on here that may make it a bit excessive is the pets in which most people like. I began my nhing on this server and it makes it easier for me to get kills knowing what is what and helps me tank if need be. So, what exactly are they complaining about? This is a spawn server not osrs or rs3. You wont get the same combat system out of the fact there are too many variables. Stop whining and learn to deal with it.
  12. rated


    I has to makes my jokes
  13. rated

    Rated's new staff app

    Also i actually would quite like ramzi´s opinion as well. I dont think he has quite a good view of me and i am just curious so if any mods see this i would appreciate if you forwarded this to him however i will tag him regardless. @Ramzi
  14. rated

    where are staff members

    It took nearly 2 months for my uid-appeal to get looked at even though i had fairly concrete evidence that it wasnt what it supposedly was let alone the loads of help i had from tevin (he pmed ramzi at least 3 times before he got on the right track). Regardless just keep updating it every 2 weeks and it will eventually get pushed.
  15. rated


    Im here now, we ready for cancer?
  16. rated

    Moderator incentives

    I never said it was to be based on it, i understand that they get the big mario mushroom but to have something a little extra here and there (not too frequent) just as a good job or something would be nice. I am not saying that they should do it based on the fact that they would get something out of it but just as something that can be earned. Its an incentive it isnt supposed to be payment. Infact, they could just ask for something like cosmetics or skin color. It doesnt affect the game in anyway and it just might inspire others to become mods. Not everyone has the motivation to be a mod tbh, and there are some that have the potential to be great mods but are iffy to apply. Btw add me on discord you noob i pmed you my user.@phenomenon
  17. rated

    Moderator incentives

    Thats the point of it being an incentive. And yeah just something
  18. rated

    Moderator incentives

    Regardless, im sure it would be appreciated. Im sure if you volunteered at a homeless shelter and they had pizza and you were offered some that you would not turn it down.
  19. rated


    Lmao no whipping in ahrims. Youre not an nher. But you know what sure im down.
  20. rated


    Sorry, i dont like fake people. And ive died twice to tbs and you planked a 5 min tb to 4 brews which is less than half of what i normally bring and youve been cleared many more times. Its not my fault that you kids cant kill me in an nh fight. Because if you counted those vs the kills you have gotten or many times you have had to tele out with me having more than 4 brews while wearing better gear than me then its 0-2 at the very least. The only thing you are up on me on is team kills and im currently solo m8.
  21. rated

    pm 4 help downed (aigan)

    We know pm 4 help is shit its all g. No need to continue this, they will only team you. The only reason i do it is because im not scared of any of them. Nor have any come even close to killing me in a 1v1.And before pm 4 help reposts the little gif of him pjing my fight with nick/mindstate and calling it a plank/ whatever he might want to call it. It was still a pj which involves 3 players not a 1v1 which involves 2 just incase he cant count. Infact yesterday pm 4 help admitted he was going to avoid me after running me out of food once out of 20 fights. Its sad he has to go to edgepvp to even get that much. I lag at edgepvp for some reason. Its not as bad as edgeville itself but regardless. I prefer ::easts or graves where i have no lag and before he says "oh you just want to use flasks" no bud i will give you flasks idrc. Btw how you gonna say "you whip in arcane l0l" when you do the exact same thing? I have almost 2 and a half hours of content on you bud so perk up i have more than enough to make you wish you never did. @PM 4 HELP
  22. rated

    Nick the imbecile counting nonsense

    Unkillable but refer to topic 8338 to 3hp on 69 claw spec then panic tele. Feelsbadman
  23. rated


    L0l multi cc, yet not one person in " team 10" is too good of an nher. However birdwatcher is decent ill give it to him.