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Super Unicum

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Everything posted by Super Unicum

  1. Super Unicum

    SPAWNPK laging.

    @Ryan Help us please, GOD
  2. Super Unicum

    SPAWNPK laging.

    Please help someone, ill suck you dry for it? TWICE?
  3. Super Unicum

    Boss Portal Drop Rate

    Wild only.
  4. Super Unicum

    Abyssal Sire

    +1. Sire is worst slayer task, you cant afk it, and it has very low rewards
  5. Super Unicum

    Proper Solution for the Autokeep & Untradable Epidemic

    -1 From me, as someone mentioned we went hard and long way to obtaining these items, why are we supposed to pay even more for that. Im sure as hell for someone like tevin these repair prices doesnt cost a thing, he has both moderator and youtuber accounts, so he gets "weekly wages" Unlikely others. Big -1
  6. Super Unicum

    ironman series 9

    Damn nice man.
  7. Super Unicum

    This week’s top voters(rigged)

    Like using different IP/computer to vote. All you need to do, is to have SPK client in that device, so you log in and do ::vote from there, that will boost ur votes x2 atleast.
  8. Super Unicum


    That you are the only person, that he cant stand against in edge. A.k.a WINNER!
  9. Super Unicum

    Sponsor rank after new update.

    So this new update, literally decreased sponsor rank value from 2500$ to 500$ (V.I.P rank) by destroying tekton drop table. This has to be reworked, otherwise all the sponsor ranks ingame, were scammed The one and only reason to get this rank, was that you can spawn tekton in safe zone, but now, it has been taken away, since all the valuable drops were taken away. Add new drops, like 50-300 cash bags with similiar chances as tbow/elders/dinhs were. Otherwise id like to get that 2k bonds in my inventory, and get back to VIP rank.
  10. Super Unicum

    Blood Tekton / Raids Improvement

    Lets say you got completed 76 normal raids. That means, you got the requirements for 10+ and 50+ raid mode. You can chose these modes, which are much harder. (bosses deal more dmg, you deal less, bosses has more hp etc) As its shown in guide. This means : Harder your raid is -> better droprates.
  11. Super Unicum

    Sponsor rank after new update.

    Sure you cant complain, you didint paid that 2,5k :]
  12. Super Unicum

    Blood Tekton / Raids Improvement

    Yeaaaaaaaah, kits that can be exchanged at mythic zone. But what about SPONSORS? Mythic ranks arent the only ones, that lost half of their value after HUUUUUUUUUGE tekton nerf.
  13. Super Unicum

    Blood Tekton / Raids Improvement

    Thats actually good suggestion, to replace tektons drops with cash bags. Cause right now, sponsor is nothing different from VIP Which is 2000$ cheaper. Feels like all the sponsor ranks were scammed with this update.
  14. Super Unicum

    Boss points?

    As far as i know theyre worhtless. And if they were used for something, that would be just too OP. For all the AFK FARMERS at ::VIP [mostly 1-3 alts of rich players] Camping bosses, that would be free additional moneys for them.
  15. Super Unicum

    Pure achievement update.

    Id say it should be just 1 chest and 1 prize key, just as pure 4 is. But i dont think thats ever going to happen.
  16. Super Unicum

    RTU episode #7

    nice one. Lets see if you can rebuild without donating
  17. Sponsor skin hasnt been fixed yet
  18. Super Unicum

    "Small screen" high resolution fix on Windows 10

    What does this thing that ryan shows actually does? Does it make "regular/small" possible to make bigger? Cause playing full screen would be terrible, but id like this tiny client to look the same, just be a bit biggers [players/icons/letters] everything bigger. Is this what this does?
  19. Super Unicum

    Tekton droplog

    This is my tekton droplog. Not gonna make a guide, on how to kill it, what gear to use, cause theres already one in forums. For now ill go for 200kills. will update this every 50 kills, and leave a picture of loot i got. First 50 kills didint gave much of a loot, had better luck previous times. But we will see how it goes till 200 kills. My gear is this, im also using a fairy pet for extra 15% drop rate. https://imgur.com/VWUxIRs Tekton guide by "J Hus" https://spawnpk.net/forums/index.php?/topic/14420-spawnpk-how-to-tekton/
  20. Super Unicum

    Tekton droplog

    Ill stop writing down every single kill, just cause forum has only 10 people active. Its not necessary. Ill keep the track of my kills and i will post down here only rare drops. Gear upgraded aswell https://imgur.com/LwpOSJV Killcount right now : https://imgur.com/isEeGo2 Ill post new pictures down below.
  21. Super Unicum

    The best raggers/nsers on spawn-pk....? Say wut.

    Yeah. Didint expected that 30 zaryte + 80 maul spec =] But you did it.Gz on 1b loot. But in the other hand, you should of tried to deny some points i said bout you IRL. (But since its true, you just skip that part) WHHAHAHA
  22. Super Unicum

    Sponsor SKIN

    Hello. The "Mage Bank" Event update, completely fucked up some in-game skins. I am not the only one with this issue, why we are not allowed to use sponsor skin ingame? Any other skin works (if we got the requirements) But sponsor skin can not be chosen, can someone please fix that? As this skin helps me to spec 85s with regular ags, or dds spec 42s at duel arena. Thank you =]
  23. Super Unicum

    Sponsor SKIN

    Modern life problems need modern solutions. But 3rd world player would never understand that.
  24. Super Unicum

    Tekton droplog
