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Super Unicum

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Everything posted by Super Unicum

  1. Super Unicum

    Yoshi co-operates with looting bag.

    Hello. I was thinking about areas, where yoshi doesnt bank your loot. Why dont we allow yoshi, to take that stuff and put it straight into looting bag, at those areas? We still risk all those items + looting bag itself disappears after we die.
  2. Super Unicum

    Updated Guide with a list of all user commands

    Another huge reason, why this person ^^^^^^ Should be promoted to SS as soon as possible
  3. Super Unicum

    Yoshi co-operates with looting bag.

    Lets bump this thread, someone who might have actual impact must see this
  4. Super Unicum


    - to the trading post idea + to gamble idea
  5. Tevin is in ld, those raggers are from ld aswell.
  6. Super Unicum

    I casually PWN'ed Nigeria :)

    Awesome xd
  7. Super Unicum

    💯Elve's Life on SpawnPK☠️

    By the way. I strongly suggest you, to buy yourself bloodperks which gives you drop rate bonuses, for having pet with you. That will cost you below 1k blood money, and will boost your droprate around 17%
  8. Super Unicum

    Unicum introduction

    Sooo helloooo SPK community. Ive been playing here for quite a while, almost a year i think. Past 6 months ive been really inactive, and this activity will be kept that way for another 6 months. Cause im serving in Lithuania's army. Not sure what else should i add here, guess ill just show myself. For all those kids trying to call me N word, or trash talk in any way. You kids cant do that =D My irl name is Dainius Im 23 years old, soon ill turn 24. (unless ill get shot really badly )
  9. Super Unicum

    Unicum introduction

    Sorry if i miss understood the point of INTRODUCING myself =]
  10. Super Unicum

    💯Elve's Life on SpawnPK☠️

    Well done sir, inspiring work
  11. Super Unicum

    It's nearly been a week now...??

    Nobody gets vacation here. They simply dont care about you.
  12. Super Unicum

    Bsouth Helper application

    Im surprised that BSOUTH, didint got this position yet..
  13. @Kellathaas always absolutely correct!
  14. Super Unicum

    A few bugs

    Addition to death perk-> works as intended xDD https://imgur.com/a/NafwCfJ
  15. Super Unicum

    Cursed Obsidian Buff

    Mans right ^ Bandos cost 100m and is almost the same as obby, which cost 500m to repair now. [After you paid the 80b price for relics] <- thats like 400 bandos sets.
  16. Super Unicum

    Bring back old duel system.

    Just implement double deaths, and duel would be restarted, same way as its with flower poker.
  17. Fuck me i didint won, and gratz to "nicesafe" getting 5th item
  18. Super Unicum

    VIP->Legendary->Sponsor->Mythic Suggestions.

    Something like this thingy, would push a lot more people to go for those ranks
  19. Super Unicum

    VIP->Legendary->Sponsor->Mythic Suggestions.

    Well thats so fucking stupid ^ Instead of asking to balance kbd out, ure saying that improving higher and higher donator ranks by a little bit is bad.. Ofc you wouldnt have a big impact, since ure poor rank.
  20. Super Unicum

    Unfair staff advantage (updates).

    I voted yes. without even reading the whole thingy. Actually, you are right with this one, i didint see a reason why they shouldnt know about the update, but when you mentioned, that they manipulate market, thats a big advantage to them.
  21. Super Unicum

    A few bugs

    Its not the thing, that they out-eat it , what about monsters? I mean it gives notification, that you did that blow, but then you hit 0 into its defense. Super right!^
  22. Super Unicum

    A few bugs

    Also, the blood perk, "Death blow" or something like that, that gives you 5% chance to do finishing blow to your enemy, if hes below 25% hp doesnt work. Unless you actually make that hit, many times i see in chat perk saying, that i dealt that blow, but then it hits 0, and your enemy/monsters survives. (Also theres one of those moments in NotUrAverageNoob videos)
  23. Super Unicum

    BLOOD/ Dark Bow

    Yo spawnpk bosses, this shitty weapon needs to be nerfed. Highest value melee weapons has certain damage cap? And this shit has nothing, its absolutely broken. People seen youtubers speccing 96s with dbow? Thats legit damage cap for weapon that is spawnable. More and more people are abusing it, you can just spec straight 90s in karils. Yesterday I was fighting in pretty much max str gear, with 400 def. Against a SPAWNABLE VERACS player, and he pulled out DARK BOW as a spec weapon on FULL MELEE setup, so i started laughing at the time, and guess what...? Kid specs me a whopping 86 in full veracs with dark bow? Im running in this gear https://prnt.sc/o41hd9 and my max spec with korasi is 75? ags or bc mauls both 80? The fuck is this logic tbh.
  24. Super Unicum

    Demoting Goobymunch

    Gooby is great, atleast from my experience, and he was great before he got this position, so FUCK YOU LAMIE
  25. Super Unicum

    BLOOD/ Dark Bow

    People saying that it has been nerfed, can someone confirm that?