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Everything posted by Frzn

  1. Frzn

    Easterwyrm nerf!

    I dont think you actually read the entire sentence and you once again jumped the gun.. I didnt say they couldn't have best in slot. I said they should have to risk something. Otherwise. What fun is it for a new player to come online and get 17 Blood Money off the Most OP Player in the game. Even Teven Agrees with that from his many videos explaining that its totally unfair and unbalanced. Im not the richest in the game. but if i am going to use Cursed. ill always risk a Serp, Primordials and claws against a Spawner. i know im most likely going to win so i give the guy a chance to actually get some. the whole point of PK-ing is to kill people and get something out of it.. You must be crazy if you think thats okay.
  2. Frzn

    Easterwyrm nerf!

  3. Frzn

    Easterwyrm nerf!

    Please show me a KO vs usual Pking Gear and the OP gear with this Pet. Ive never seen it. Im online now the the pet is swarmed around edge.. People in full obsidian and pet not even risking.. If you want an OP Pet. Make it riskier to use.. Auto Skull on use or you need a minimum amount of cash to go into edge with it. How is it untrue? If i put Torva/Primal/Vesta/Cursed on and fight another person in the same Armour. you have no chance! Its not just RNG either. Ive been against a spawn item pker and i am constantly being smacked 30s 40s whislt in cursed obsidian or vesta! Its not right.. Why should rich people on the game be able to have the best in slot and not risk a damn thing? its stupid. its what causes players to leave. have you seen how dead the wild is since this pet? Its Rubbish. I find it hard to believe this pet was even put in the game.. it just wasn't needed at all. Don't you find it funny how anyone with this pet is so overconfident to attack you? without a veng combo you are not winning. its as simple as that.
  4. Frzn

    Easterwyrm nerf!

    I Totally disagree. This Pet has ruined Edge PKing for me and a lot of other casual to regular players are saying the same... I can afford the Pet but i just don't want it.. And I cant see why anyone would want to use it? It takes the fun away from PKing as your are at such a huge advantage.. It Actually makes you a worse PKER! This Pet should have been a RARE fused pet from the beginning costing 10x times it currently is if it is to stay in the game. This Pet is making the game unbearable and the complaints I am seeing from new or newer players is ridiculous.. They are flat out just leaving the server thus ruining the player base and you are LOOSING MONEY! I Refuse to fight anyone with the Pet which is now becoming EVERYONE. Example: Whilst in Cursed Obsidian Plate and Legs with a Serp helm and Primordial Boots i am constantly eating to people in SPAWNABLES!!! This pet is an absolute joke and doesn't need nerfing. It needs REMOVING. Even though the Pet is rare and expensive. Alot of people seemed to have acquired it from the Easter event. Go Look at Edge on a Evening or afternoon this Pet is absolutely every where.. To Top it off. You get the richest players in the game come online in complete untradeables with this Pet and a D Lancer and you are getting smashed constantly.. It needs the strength bonus removing. and the percentage of hits to 25%. To all you people moaning about the value doing down.. SO WHAT... Id rather have a server which is playable and not full of rich players who can afford this pet taking advantage.. Most of these players do not even skull to give the other person a chance... If you are going to keep it the same.. At least make it auto skull you when using it.. come on. If this doesn't change you will see a rapid decrease in players. including myself. RIP SpawnPK Hello EasterwyrmPK..... I Can safely say, anyone who is saying theirs nothing wrong with the Pet has a large bank and back pocket.. Just saying.. I Am advising new players not to fight anyone with this pet in hopes they stay. Frzn