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Old Mgmt

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Posts posted by Old Mgmt

  1. Why is it allowed? I know scrawny arm kids gotta mark their territory somehow but you really think a new player is gonna stick around when hes getting ragged by a guy with untradeables and a divine? Maybe there would be more than the same 10 people in edge otherwise. I don't mind ragging im just curious as it seems to be detrimental. 


    What are  YOUR thoughts

  2. Time played--- Spawnpk? few weeks. Runescape? Years.

    Pking exp--- top 100 rogue bh kills osrs, 10k+ kills. Been in a few major clans.

    Singles pking---  Good at tribriding.

    Hybridding/Nhing---  hybrid 5/10 nh 8-9/10

    Did anyone reccommend me joining? no

    Why do I want to join--- You have a discord. 

    Timezone---  EST

    Previous clan--- On spawnpk? none. Osrs rev/di and a few others

    Discord--- Yes
