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Everything posted by cokiemonsta

  1. cokiemonsta

    Staff Ratings

    Lmfao. okay?
  2. cokiemonsta


    maybe accidently dropped it? GL on refund
  3. cokiemonsta

    Kharazi Jungle Death by NPC

    I don't mind dying to an NPC because i went afk and did not pay attention. I lost a lot but it's just how the game works. The problem i'm having is, a player located my stuff and continued to loot everything i had. Unfortunately for the player, i had a lot of stuff that did not appear on the ground. It's as if i died at edgeville and nothing was left but unspawnable items, food and pots. I had the following: - 1k+ rune arrows - Dark Bow - Dragon fire Shield (RIP lol) - Black D'hide body - Dragon Platelegs - about 700 noted Karams - Kharazi gloves 3 (kept on death) - Kharazi spear (kept on death) - Kharazi Cape (kept on death) - 1200 Purple Sweets (received by player) - 500 sticks (received by player) - 6 dragon thrownaxes (received by player) - 200 Blood Money (received by player) - Kharazi boots (received by player) I would love for a player to retrieve these items if i ever died to an NPC. If the player that found my stuff is unable to receive my items i at least hope this be changed. Thanks for taking your time in reading my post.
  4. cokiemonsta

    Few tracks

    Only songs i see potential is maybe the first and last but it's not my kind of music. Thanks for the post though.
  5. cokiemonsta

    Nm pker stick to rag men pls

    your prayer switches are slow that's why he's able to hit that high (not through prayer)
  6. cokiemonsta

    New Pking Video - 10b cash giveaway x2 -

    How to win the giveaway: Like the video. Comment your IGN and for an extra 5b comment a song. If the song is used in my next video you will be rewarded the 5b. Subscribe to the channel!
  7. cokiemonsta

    New Pking Video - 10b cash giveaway x2 -

    I have been unable to play the pass few days and will be doing the giveaway tonight.
  8. cokiemonsta

    Kharazi jungle protection

    I think instead of fixing that. Make it to where you are unable to use the boat within the first 10 minutes of spawning into the jungle. This will prevent players from abusing the protection just to get a daily done. This is a mini game, not just a daily achievement.
  9. cokiemonsta


    Fortnite is more like the new call of duty for me. I go on every now and then for 30 minutes to an hour, get a win or 2 then hop off because it gets to easy and boring. I have been playing it a little more just to practice my building and reaction time to help me with other games. But besides that I'd rather play PUBG, WOT, or maybe even CSGO since these games take a bit more skill.
  10. cokiemonsta

    akam the best spk utuber :)

    Really the only thing I see wrong is him saying the server is shit. Which is understandable since there are still a lot of fixes to be made. Also a YouTubers actions are not why they get YouTuber status. They get YouTuber status by supporting the game on YouTube.
  11. cokiemonsta

    Buff Magic

    A player can be in full torags, i'll be in max mage gear and splash 2/3 times. I don't know what the problem is, maybe there is no magic defense decrease on this server or magic in general is not accurate but i should be able to hit my magic attacks almost every time on full torags no mage prayer.
  12. cokiemonsta

    Safehouse Bug

    As i was attacking someone they went towards the safe house in attempt to stay alive. They successfully made it to the safe house but my dps was really strong so they were always low hp. I did my last bit of damage but then a blood shaman that was nearby also took it's last hit. If you know anything about blood shamans their damage is delayed. So the blood shaman cast the spell and as the player was inside the safe house the damage still went through killing him inside. This is fair and not the reason why i'm making this post though. When i went in to collect my loot, only the pots and non spawnable gear was left on the floor. I was unable to receive the nezzy helm, d legs, black dhide body etc. because i can only assume they vanished as if he died at edgeville. Any chance this can be fixed?
  13. cokiemonsta

    Spk Rushing vid

    good video. Just wish it was longer
  14. cokiemonsta

    Kharazi Scroll and KDR

    The only reason why i bring this up is because i want to get rid of the safe house and on top of that not everyone has this gear: I just want everyone to have a chance to pvp players like me. Add not only a challenge for myself but a challenge to others.
  15. cokiemonsta

    Kharazi Scroll and KDR

    A kharazi scroll that you can buy for about 200 trading sticks to keep you safe. Basically when you buy the scroll it goes inside your inventory and upon being used this scroll will allow you to be safe from all players attacking you for 1 hour. - This scroll can only be bought once every 3 hours. - This scroll cannot be bought or used while in combat. - This scroll cost 200 (estimate on what i believe the scroll should cost) trading sticks (or maybe any other currency inside the jungle). - This scroll also cannot be noted or stored(preventing players from stacking). - Only 1 scroll allowed in your inventory at a time. - Also there should be no countdown for when you are able to purchase/use the scroll again. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also i believe there should be a KDR added to the kharazi jungle. I would love to know how many players i have killed and how many deaths i have.
  16. cokiemonsta

    KDR Reset Moneysink

    I guess your right. I just don't see a worry for it atm.
  17. cokiemonsta

    KDR Reset Moneysink

    Yeah but for someone who messes around like the guys with chef hats. they get to do that make bills and reset for only 1b. I'm just saying it wouldn't be bad to bump it up to about 5-10b. Especially since most players that actually care about there kdr usually have a good amount of money anyways. All players that have played this server for more then 2 weeks knows 5-10b is much but reasonable. Though i doubt it would change since it's just a minor thing. Nothing really bad about it.
  18. cokiemonsta

    KDR Reset Moneysink

    yeah 700m to 1b is pretty cheap. TBH to reset your kdr i wouldn't even mind it going up to about 5-10b
  19. cokiemonsta


    Atleast you got the kill lol
  20. cokiemonsta

    Quality Test.

    where did you find this song?
  21. cokiemonsta

    Please Fix

    Tome of frost is broken that's why barrage can hit that high i'm pretty sure.
  22. cokiemonsta

    How isn't this delayed?

    Very slight delay. The XP drop came just slightly before your prayer switch.
  23. cokiemonsta

    Buff Magic

    I just meant change my bad. It needs to be reworked against tank gear. karils for a fact helps prevent a barrage from freezing you but i seem to splash all the time on tank gear like torags. It needs to be reworked and if ryan decides to take the time into fixing this then it will add a lot more variety onto the server.
  24. cokiemonsta


    I wouldn't know because when i first started the server he was not very active and when he was he never talked. Maybe he was more active before i joined but i can only assume he sticks to private messages. And really the more i think about it he might of never talked but that's much better then trash talking. Most of the raggers on the server talk to much and their actions don't back it up. I'll give him a +1 for not being one of those guys.
  25. cokiemonsta


    Ayy it's 88 haven't seen you on forums in a while