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Bread Unban

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Everything posted by Bread Unban

  1. Bread Unban


    yeah i can be annoying but just learn to use ignore list, or simply don't let it bother you.
  2. Bread Unban

    Bloodlust Scrolls

    Would put too much blood money into the game and it's finally at a good price again. However maybe make them salvageable for 1 blood shard each maybe.
  3. Bread Unban

    Proper Solution for the Autokeep & Untradable Epidemic

    Everyone just needs to take this into consideration even if you do a poll and it's split down the middle push it through people are always going to complain but for the longevity of the server it's hurting it horribly, no new person that goes into spawnpk wilderness usually stays upon fighting these people unless their mindset is "i'm going to donate for that i want that" That's a slim chance though, that being said @Phenomenon push this update bro for the greater good. People in less risk will have more incentive to fight these people instead of constantly skipping them. I do not see this in anyway negatively impacting the server, i see it making edge pk especially more active and maybe clanning a little more rewarding and a cash sink is always nice, as one of the oldest members of this community i give you a huge +1
  4. Bread Unban

    New Ragging System / Blacklist Interface

    Actually didn't expect myself to like any part of this idea but i'm all for money sinks. I would not say unlimited amount of blacklist slots maybe 2 at the max but have it block uid/ip so people can't make an alt to get around it. If we allow infinite it would be too safe and not have a wilderness feel at all. This is just a sensitive topic and it's really hard to find the right balance because no matter what we implement players will still complain "oh that costs too much" "i had to log out because of emergency my 24 hours was wasted i want refund" Overall i am neutral on this idea but it is a cool system you thought of nonetheless.
  5. Bread Unban

    bl00dydollaz - Scam attempt/Becareful

    @Phenomenon lets slap a mute on this guy ;D
  6. Bread Unban

    bl00dydollaz - Scam attempt/Becareful

    Damn i think a mute should be issued also what you think @Fp Me Noobs
  7. Bread Unban

    bl00dydollaz - Scam attempt/Becareful

    Exposed he told on himself clearly with the story changing all around a shady person and i'm glad justice was served
  8. Bread Unban

    Client not running

    Glad i could help you man!
  9. Bread Unban

    Client not running

    Hi @Sinured there is a client repair tool download located on the forums page on the right side, download and select the issues you are having and run the repair tool. I usually check each box until my client works. Hope this information will be of use to you.
  10. Bread Unban

    Few suggestions

    Yeah that would be nice.
  11. Bread Unban

    Few suggestions

    Yeah something like that sounds nice but messing with special attack like that can cause major issues imagine spamming a gmaul in those 5-10 seconds was trying to think of ways it would be too overpowered and that shot straight into my mind.
  12. Bread Unban

    Few suggestions

    Sunspear definitely needs a buff or needs to be thrown in enchanted chest we can all agree on that but as far as having different variations of the nex armors seems kinda sketchy would definitely like to go into heavier detail before making a decision on that. Nex helms definitely need a use in the game @Kellatha has made some great suggestions in the past on that subject. Yes spawnpk lottery needs to be a thing and i'm not sure why they haven't implemented a system for one. I just cannot agree on spec restore pots in wild that seems a little disgusting to me, maybe a potion that works and gives you the effect a ring of vigour does and lasts for a very short time? Even then idk just trying to think of alternatives for your idea and not completely throw it out.
  13. Bread Unban

    Target skip limit

    No support.
  14. Bread Unban

    Obsidian Weapons

  15. Bread Unban

    The Blood Well!

    As we all know the price of blood money is falling lower and lower each day so i have come up with an idea as a potential blood money sink. The Blood Well! The blood well will be located in Edgeville and players will be able to donate blood money into the well upon reaching 10k blood money a random server wide event will be activated lasting 12 hours. As far as the random events i have thought of some ideas feel free to think of more or leave feedback! 1. 1.5x slayer and blood slayer points 2. Bonus skilling experience 3. Low chance of double loots pvming 4. Double vote points 5. Increased statue and statuette drops while Pking
  16. Bread Unban

    The Blood Well!

    Yeah i thought it could be nice and i was hoping you would comment outa all people because you get into deep thought with these type of things. 10k would fill it up and i haven't thought of the cool down yet maybe 3 days or could be lower if the event time itself was lowered, i agree 12 hours could be a bit much. The double loots i can see being bad especially on a 12 hour event so feel free to come up with more ideas and i will watch over it and edit the post accordingly. I appreciate the thought put into it.
  17. Bread Unban

    The Blood Well!

    Great question, it isn't necessarily targeted for new players but the rewards would be nice for them to get started and people that do have a decent bank i'm sure will throw some money in as the rewards can be well quite rewarding this idea can be tweaked of course, i was just throwing a rough base idea down. It could also be an achievement "throw 5k blood money down the blood well" or it could even go as far as unlocking untradable cosmetics depending on blood money thrown in the well.
  18. Bread Unban

    Rasi fixes

    No support. Sorry I think it's fine the way it is, maybe because i'm pretty good at baiting the spec and stacking people with my veng but either way i think it's meant to be strong. @Kellatha also is right maybe not the best example with the DBow ( i do agree with you about the Dbow animation) but plenty of other things especially paired with DFS can hit pretty high.
  19. Bread Unban

    Blood Slayer Task

    No support it's fine the way it is.
  20. Bread Unban

    [December 5th, 2018] Patch notes

    gf vls campers
  21. Bread Unban

    Food/eating attack delay

    Thanks @Phenomenon for taking the communities opinion over something you believe in and despite what you think should be done supporting your players, that right there is one of the many reasons you are admin no one would even come close to deserving that job. Thanks for all you do man.
  22. Bread Unban

    Food/eating attack delay

    I miss the old spk where shit was more accurate and it was more fast paced and fun. So i'm all for bringing back old SPK mechanics which made it unique and idk man when i played back in the day with these old mechanics there were a lot more risk fighters then there is today.