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Posts posted by Ian

  1. 12 hours ago, dork squad said:

    You nerfed yet another untradable, cursed void. WHy even make the item if you are going to nerf it


    Every pk based update you have done is  based off 1 or two peoples opinions ( ian ) 


    I spent bank on getting all untradables and they legit keep getting nerfed, I don't get it

    I make legitimate game-improvement and balancing suggestions so 1 trick pony's like u cant abuse overpowered items like blood slayer / dark bow 

  2. 1) Killstreak Bounty

    -1, Killing a player on a killsteak isn't about getting rewarded, as people high high kill streaks are often risking bils already as it is. It's about the pride and possible clan satisfaction of ending a rivals streak, this just adds more bags into the game which is unnecessary 

    2) Bounty Hunter

    +1, in both edgville and deep pking I'm always getting skipped while trying to tier upgrade, its just frustrating. 

    3) Bounty Store

    I won't go too in depth for your every suggestions. However, bounty store has gotten some small tweaks not too long ago, it isn't a primary focus but should be in future consideration. I like the idea of adding bloodlust / repair scrolls to the store, but removes incentive from voting

    4) Risk Requirement for Blood Revs or Wildy PVM

    I think as it stands now the deep pvm system is fair. The only argument I have is yoshi is too broken. I liked the tax system in the past which was implemented, however the PVMers have a far greater voice on this server so yoshi tweaks are likely to be implemented unless your in #Elementals and making profit at Rev caves

    5) "Open X" on Cash Bags

    Huge +1, I have over 1k 10m bags in my bank and I CBA clicking them all

    6) Veteran Ranks 

    Why not

    7) Donator Rank Benefits

    +1 I've made this suggestion in the past, donator only really benefits PVMers with the exception of flasks and DFS special. I'd love to see more blood money earned per kill / better chance at x2 emblems, higher chance at artifacts, and higher chance at treasures the higher donator you are (stacks with boneguard, arc, etc...)

    8 ) Blood Slayer Bow

    +1, blood d bow too (needs far lower cap)

    9) Remove Pid From Duel Arena

    I don't gamble enough to care, but from what I've notices at duel arena PID system seems to be a bit fucked

    10) Teleporting and Teleblock

    Hasn't this already been implemented? At least if you kill the PVPer who tele blocked it resets

    11) Death Values

    I think protect values were modified not long ago but they always need adjustments especially with this fluctuating economy

    12) Increase Friends List Size Limit

    Imagine having friends lol can't relate

    13) PVP Weapon Nerfs

    Balmung, Blood scythe cap, blood slayer bow, blood d bow, blood cross bow, smite cap - in particular malev axe + holy zerk which can smite 70+ prayer points in 1 tick

    14) Remove "Fluff" From Mystery Chests

    50/50, don't need to see every chest giving 3+ grand crests & shit

    15) SPAWN "PVM"

    +1, Sick of seeing people make trills / week afking on a fucking alt account

    16) Add Clear Ragging Rules or Bring it Back

    +1, people are constantly overhead rushing / pjing in edge and nothing can be done about it since ragging is banned. I'd be in favor of bringing ragging back so long as rag cc's and intentionally harassing players due to clan affiliation / who they are isn't allowed. That just blatant griefing, ragging was never a problem and was actually in some cases a remedy

    17) Obelisk Set Destination

    -1 I don't get why this is necessary, you can already make one in you POH and there are so many wilderness tele commands I rarely use mine

    18) New Staff

    Always a +1, such inactive / incompetent staff. Fantastic staff / helper applicants like @Bsouth

    19) Gambling "Ban"

    I'll give this a +1 but it will never happen. Gambling fucks the eco by giving retards like John XD way too much money / economical influence. Also, constantly results in good players quitting

    20) Drop Log

    Why not






  3. On 11/21/2019 at 10:02 AM, SPARTAN MILF said:

    Not like u dont bring 30 kids with cursed void divines with 0 risk, autistic dog. Stay irrelevant and don't come with autistic suggestions.


    Ragging should be legal, period.

    You and all of LD always uses the excuse "you do it." Yeah just because we, even myself personally, does something doesn't mean it isn't a problem. Biggest example is people abusing the OP blood slayer bow and dark bow. I too use / abuse it because its broken as fuck, at least I have the balls to come forward and say it needs to be fixed as opposed to you other kids who abuse it and stay silent about it.

    • Like 2

  4. 2 hours ago, Hooke V2 said:

    I mean if you are fighting 5-10 people solo in multi, you die a lot. Which you say is suiciding, but it's just pking. You snowflakes haven't lived the multi pking from a few years back, which was just dying then returning, as a multi war should be.

    If you can't handle that, don't go versus people who can handle that.

    False I was here for that, also made me quit my clan and edge pk because suicide warring was boring as fuck

  5. With elder blood ring blood slayer bow and d bow have gone too fucking far. Auto-keep items have no god damn business specing rapid 70+'s or 90+'s when they cost nothing????? nerf them for fuck sake the hit cap is WAY TOO HIGH and there is not nearly enough delay between blood slayer bow specs. Even slayer bow > meele should be delayed god damn fix the fucking server 

  6. The new ban of ragging across all wilderness has already caused many issues:

    1 - Ragging was a proper check to certain people. Some people deserved to be ragged for doing shit like rushing 24/7. However now, a person can rush all they want / do other obnoxious borderline "ragging" things with no punishment 

    2 - As mentioned, constant rushing / fight pjing. I've even witness purposeful pjing / rushing of specific players (due to clan affiliation go figure) which is just straight ragging

    3 - The new rule doesn't seem to be taken very serious by players as it is only JAILABLE. Repeated ofenses (3 strike rule) should = a ban

    4 - Repeated suiciding in deep wilderness, either vs a pvper of pvmer shouldn't be allowed. Not only has this been a problem in the past with suicide ccs flooding one area for extended periods of time with 0 risk, but now it is happening by specific people for hours on end. I wont lie, as a member of Elementals with cc members who like to PVM at revs, I understand it is fair game to attempt to pvp them. But when the "pvping" become relentless 0 risk suiciding 24/7, its no longer pking its harassment


    - Make ragging bannable. 1st strike - 24 hours, 2nd - 1 week, 3rd - 1 month, 4th - indefinite

    - Cooldown period on teleports - Immediately dying after going to ::rogues for example should result in not being able to tele there initially for 30 seconds - 1 minute after death. If you go back to ::rogues again after that <1 minute and dye again, it becomes 2 minute cooldown. Then 3, then 6, etc... 

    - I get this is a spawn server, but being able to go deep wilderness with 0 risk, especially with OP shit in game like d upgrade + dds, blood slayer bow, shade genie pet, etc... You can have stang as fuck gear and risk nothing but repair fees. Something needs to be done about that unfairness 

    - Extend the rule of ragging to repeated rushing of players. It seems the term ragging is too narrowed, repeatedly rushing players + targeting them for their different affiliations + overheads enabled = rag

    • Like 1

  7. Though of a new one:

    Add in the farming skill to the game and just make it a big fucking money sink somehow. That way every1 who wants completionist and shit have to dump a certain amount of money away. Kinda like the construction skill which is similar. 


    Also, with the winter event around the corner, event chest is notorious for adding huge amounts of blood money and coin caskets into the eco. Thats another big problem flooding eco with too much shit 

    - Make the rolls for event chest more expensive, costing more tokens. purchased tokens = less money. Tokens put into chest = eco drain


    New Edit:

    Now would be a fat time for an ethereal contest. 100b cash per entry, many people entering, trillions out of eco, 1 winner.... :D 

  8. Eco is fucked, inflation is though the roof. Heres why:

    For starters since Casino was cleaned and now eco is in the hands of this random kid John XD, everyone doesn't know whats gonna happen and confusion / panic only makes shit worse

    Since Sit Dawn and John have gotten eco, they've flooded trillions of bags into the eco through drop parties, giveaways, and recklessly purchasing items far over market value

    It was inevitable this would eventually happen. This server has been online for so many years with quills entering the economy. The only thing that has stabilized market prices is few players holding onto the massive amounts of bags, bulk items, etc... Once eco gets cleaned and those bags / items re-enter economy, the value of money drops WAY down. 

    And best of all, there isn't a real solution to fix this problem :) 

    Eco reset will never happen, and there is no fair way to drain the massive amount of bags and bulk items that have accumulated into eco's banks. Best the server can hope for is for the newest eco holders to noe be inbreds and dumb even more trills into the economy. However, there are some minor ways which may help the economy such as:

    - Duel arena tax, bsouth's suggestion I believe. Would stealing drop money out of economy at ::duell and ::gamble for the trills staked daily

    - YouTuber giveaways. As primarily tevin and raimon give away hundreds of bills in bonds & other items weekly, more shit like d tix floods into economy and further fuck it

    - AFK pvm is probably one of the primary culprits. People with 50k+ KBD or Frost dragon / other afk safezone bosses especially grand ring (i), coins should be taken off of EVERY safe zone drop table & replaced with minuscule amounts of blood money / d tix 

    - Well of goodwill is a good start to money sink, however the biggest items that need to be sunk are coins and blood money, not blood diamonds, divines, etc...

    - New money sink: Ya'll can be creative about this one

    - Upgrade repair costs of certain OP auto-keep items: E gloves, boots, *pets - Auto-keep as well, no reason I can have a fortune genie, shade genie, and doppel in my inventory with 0 additional risk

    - Fix the fucking cursed orbs. People are enchant farming them non-stop which has flodded additional trills into the eco. Killing someone a cursed orb should make u +20b max


    I'm sure there a new ways to drain bags too, but the above has some real over-due implementations like AFK pvming getting a long needed nerf, and cursed orb farming being a serious issue

    + Message to you eco holders, don't be fucking stupid :) thnx 


  9. On 10/25/2019 at 3:59 PM, dork squad said:

    all of these updates and the previous updates to the guy "Ian"


    Why did you cater the entire server to one persons thoughts?


    This seems very unfair. 

    Maybe my suggestions are just good? :)


    Great update Ryan hopefully shit pans out well

  10. 23 hours ago, SkittleWeed said:

    3. You're taking them for BM, targ upgrades and whatever else they risk, so nah.

    Bounty system and the capability to insta-skip targets + tele-tab rendering being delay af when you tele makes tier upgrading off of PVMers a nightmare currently. 

  11. Current Halloween event isn't bad, but it is rather disappointing for fellow PKers. Here's some suggestions how the thanksgiving / Christmas even can be far better:

    - Server boss (Blood Reaper, etc) should spawn more frequently than 4 hours... Too much waiting time

               - Second to this, there should be more than 1 multi location. Perhaps 1 Rogues, 1 Barrelchest. Aloneside 2-3 singles, mage arena remains as a good idea

    - To participate in killing tormented souls, server boss, or h'ween chest spawns you MUST be 126 combat

    - Yoshi should NOT auto-bank h'ween tokens at all. You can kill them across the wilderness at a low combat, risk 0, and contribute nothing to pkers

    - Playing killing at any part of the wilderness, not just edgville / hotspot, should grant h'ween tokens

    - less shitty cosmetics to flood the event chest. Rather see an increase of 1b caskets / other rip items that pointless trash in chest

  12. No one seems to want to comment about the broken OP / dog shit items in the game so I will

    OP shit that needs nerfing:

    - blood elder ring / blood slayer bow - stupid op. blood bow can hit rapid 70-80s through high defense. blood elder ring also makes d bow stupid strong

    - D upgrade scroll - pretty obviously broken if a spawn able dds can hit rapid 70+'s in spawnable gear. constantly abused in deep wilderness + d claws (or) are broken w/ upgrade

    - Dragon scimitar for deep wildy FI's, the potential to successfully slash overhead prayers should be reduced a lot w/ protect meele up + possibly shorten the time overheads are cut

    - Balmung is far too easy to prod and hits consistent 60+'s with a fast ass attack speed that needs a nerf

    - tektonic has too high of meele stats to also damage soak

    - DH should be coded better to hit less high less consistently at higher hp. I get hit 70's from someone 60 hp

    Buff this shit:

    - Elemental mace is a weapon over 1-2t and sucks total cock. Not only do the stats + max hit suck, its inconsistent as fuck and costs 100% spec, its irrelevant next to a malevolent axe

    - elemental weapons, they all seem pretty useless


    Anyway spawnable / auto-keep weapons have become stupidly OP with upgrade / boost items. They require no risk to use and become BiS damage weapons 

    • Like 1

  13. On 10/14/2019 at 12:08 AM, Elve said:

    U cant force people to risk. I disagree with the yoshi, however agree with the tokens.

    Rev cave / mage arena yoshi grabs to inventory, superiors require blood orb to kill

    yes u can

  14. Yoshi should auto-grab loot from tormented souls and blood revs / superiors to the inventory. Otherwise kids can run around deep wildy with a yoshi and 0 risk, borderline pointless to kill them and takes the fun out of deep pking / target hunting. Also, h'ween tokens should be given for player kills in any part of the wilderness not just hotspot and edgeville. 
