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Everything posted by _Jorik_

  1. _Jorik_

    Scythe of vitur pvp buff

    We make it new #1 skiller tool
  2. _Jorik_

    Scythe of vitur pvp buff

    K give it tevin dick stats shit be a cosmetic
  3. _Jorik_

    Hybrid/NH Vid 1

    Dope pal
  4. _Jorik_

    $500+ Giveaway + 1-28 Goodiebag RESULTS (Approx. 1.03T)

    Boy, how retarded can you be
  5. _Jorik_

    Scythe of vitur pvp buff

  6. _Jorik_

    Scythe of vitur pvp buff

  7. _Jorik_

    i donated for 4 days ago, still got nothing

    Oh ur the random who tevin splashed x8 on
  8. _Jorik_

    Scythe of vitur pvp buff

    Lul make it hit x2 but have the strength of a dragon scimitar or something
  9. _Jorik_

    Purdue 50-0 gf suicider

    So recently I banned a random called purdue from elementals for having small testicles about paying a clan 10-20b fee because he joined after his own clan died so guess what this random does as soon as he gets banned from elementals and being silent as fuck in voicechat for 1 whole hour cuz he was getting roasted nonstop by ascendency? HE STARTS ACTING LIKE THE LITTLE DUMB BITCH HE IS LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Long story short; a random d bolt ragging multi bot was banned from elementals and is now running around so if you're interested, this is what he looks like in the wilderness: The funny thing about this rat too is that he shittalks people behind their backs and never backs up what he says, also the reason why he's scared shitless to risk in the wilderness and suicides 7 Have fun in #cali @Purdue that's the open cc full of arabic randoms where you belong. Let's see what your excuse is gonna be for this thread.
  10. _Jorik_

    Elementals Extortion

    Enjoy cali random
  11. _Jorik_

    Bounty hunter store / pking suggestions

    Nah most of these suggestions will ruin the blood money price and have ryan add another update afterwards to fix it again
  12. _Jorik_

    Elementals Extortion

    This is exactly why we were planning to let you pay a fee from the start LOL, thanks for proving my point once again with your fake ass personality and acting like a down kid of 12 year olds because you had to pay 1/100th of your bank for a cc giveaway to redeem yourself for being an absolute idiot for weeks towards whole elementals have fun in your open cc full of pakis with 3li w3ka mcpeanutbrain as your leader that you can suck off for a rank instead of me lmfao
  13. _Jorik_

    [PVP Based] Suggestion list

    Ey u blind homie? IT SAID PVP BASED SUGGESTIONS Anyways; 1: Damage caps aren’t a huge problem as compared to range and melee, god spells with the pets and the tome of fire are the BIS to use and aren’t extremely accurate as well. I don’t think this forms the biggest issue on the server. 2: Random events would really make the wilderness much more active IMO, could be a thrown you have to claim every few hours to get an exclusive item until the next thrown appears and gets taken over or it could be pk event or a little boss we could kill. 3: Making untradeable and autokeep items non-auto keep wouldn’t be a great idea as they’re a little bit part of the custom part of the server 4: Wouldn’t mind scoreboards with some cool items but it can be abused slightly to try and gain wealth or whatever so the rewards can’t be too overpowered or interesting IMO
  14. _Jorik_

    sik game

    Smd I wasn’t paying attention, half afk and still beat those cheeks of yours in the tourny
  15. _Jorik_

    Ban "Telescope" a.k.a "Get Slapt"

    Rumors has it ragging is a competition of who is the biggest virgin
  16. _Jorik_

    Listen to suggestions from new players.

    +1 ryan doesn’t interact with us, I vote for massive riot in front of his house @Ryan better be careful SOON
  17. _Jorik_

    Ban "Telescope" a.k.a "Get Slapt"

    Once again; I’m on every list of any ragger on spk and still pk freely lul
  18. _Jorik_


    U coulda just asked for attention homie
  19. _Jorik_

    Team Goofy-Fucks Best clan on spk

    Ok sure bud
  20. _Jorik_

    Team Goofy-Fucks Best clan on spk

    Lol truth tho
  21. _Jorik_

    Prevent from ragging

    Imaging giving IRL information over a RSPS forums LOOOOL fucking angry retard
  22. _Jorik_

    Prevent from ragging

    Imagine being a trashcan IRL and flamebaiting kids on forums like a nolife retard who calls people out to OSRS worlds LOL
  23. _Jorik_

    Prevent from ragging

    Lul SRI loc is what I’m thinking