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Everything posted by _Jorik_

  1. _Jorik_

    Jorik FU cc

    It’s the truth and ur a fucking retard lying ur ass off idiot let’s face it, we literally made an alt just to keep all the clan fees on
  2. _Jorik_


    The only difference is that dying to 1 person in singles is way different than dying to 5 people in multi, there’s a much smaller chance of dying in singles for actual loot where it matters if you die than just dying in multi risking nothing but where it doesn’t matter if you due considering it’s multi
  3. _Jorik_

    Jorik FU cc

    I obviously can’t control everything regarding that you’re right about it but if people used their mind they’d consider contacting the actual owners of a clan and not just give out stuff to anyone who says they’re a cc mod and you’d be able to join if you give a fee
  4. _Jorik_

    Jorik FU cc

    Yeah respectable objective but the option of keep it for themselves was non existent
  5. _Jorik_

    Jorik FU cc

    None of any of the official clan fees were ever in possesion of any clan mod, only the owners. We have screenshots of every single item or amount given. We only gave them the option to vote for whether we should ask clan fees or not, keeping it for themselves was never an option.
  6. _Jorik_

    Jorik FU cc

    I could prove you otherwise but you won’t listen LOL
  7. _Jorik_


    Ok so yall will have a multikillpic of where i die for my killstreak, WHAT IS YOUR POINT LOOOOOOOL FUCKING TROLL
  8. _Jorik_

    Jorik FU cc

    Please consider reading what I said to hooke and gooby already (we don’t keep any of it outselves shortly said lmao)
  9. _Jorik_

    Jorik FU cc

    No gooby since their own cc died and they have no where else to go, do you understand? Lul
  10. _Jorik_

    Jorik FU cc

    Hooke we don’t keep that money ourselves man, why are you even flamebaiting on here lmfao, that fee is meant for a big dropparty for all the actual loyal members in the cc, me and ascendency planned it out already
  11. _Jorik_

    Jorik FU cc

    Bruh you don’t understand what that screenshot really means... it’s a fee for every rival clan member who wants to join elementals, basically every ex vigi member that wanted to join after their own clan died had to pay a fee is what I meant
  12. _Jorik_

    Jorik FU cc

    Hooke, if people from a clan we’ve been waring and fighting against for the past half year want to join the rival clan, in our opinion they have to pay to join our cc because they come from their cc that is dying to our cc, doesn’t that make a little sense to you? Lul
  13. _Jorik_

    Jorik FU cc

    LMFAO listen this is how your cc pks: Suicide for about 2 hours long until you kill someone with a killstreak then hashtag your clan name over yell and say you’re #1 like that makes any sense at all, don’t you think all of you should pipe down instead talk big like that all the time?
  14. _Jorik_

    Jorik FU cc

    Ah ur a cute little fella, that argument has a lot to do with this topic
  15. _Jorik_

    Jorik FU cc

    I don’t care but don’t I have the right to say something on a random topic? And what part in that discord convo is me begging to be able to join back? Tell me lul
  16. _Jorik_


    Lmao cringe toxic kids on a game are so cute
  17. _Jorik_

    Jorik FU cc

  18. _Jorik_

    Jorik FU cc

    Literally nothing there says I’m begging to be back in your trash team LOL nice expose I guess
  19. _Jorik_

    Jorik FU cc

    LOL literally most dead cc, leaders didn’t even organize any trips for weeks and only ones in the cc was always me and you gooby you know I didn’t care about the cc cuz I was always in elementals cc, multi bots that are 10 times as useful as a trash troll like u or nosepilicker
  20. _Jorik_

    Void Kit

    Complitionist cape is one of the best capes obtainable ingame, gives 5% dr boost like bounty cape, very good melee stats and very devent range and mage stats together with a usual amount of defence
  21. _Jorik_


    Morbid, pigs peet and micro shade still hop on spawnpk from time to time but most old players quit the server for different reasons I’d say
  22. _Jorik_

    A revolutionary suggestion for SpawnPK

    +1 glad you're putting the time and effort into making spawnpk less boring
  23. _Jorik_

    Suggestions for next update, Bug Fixes, Combat, Etc

    +1 for things like making rev caves outside and inside to a certain point like on OSRS singles, fixing the way dragon throwing axes work, the champion’s crown having slight buffs, having some sort of custom one-of-a-kind fight pits or LMS on spawnpk, not able to teleport to a player owned house redskulled,elemental staff fix (basically needs a buff or a change to the way it works in pvp), elysian spirit shield effect fix, agility level not having any impact on your run energy drained and dead clicks being fixed. All the rest of the suggestions are fine but not all too important IMO.
  24. _Jorik_

    Scythe of vitur pvp buff

    Yess implement more skills on a pk server