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Posts posted by megamass

  1. Hey Kellatha thx for ur reply!

    I never played RX so no clue about their systems or zones :D 

    I just put vig for an example. I mean a flat drop rate boost is always nice 😃 But for right now i dont see any other "bosse" which is worth grinding at all zones. Thats why i came up with ring of vig.

  2. Good morning SPK,

    hope every1 doing fine=)

    I want to see 2 new scrolls adding to the spawnd npc.

    First scroll will increase the amount of spawnd npc. For eas scroll u using the total amount of spawnd npc increasd by +1. The max amount of scrolls u can use is 5.

    Second scroll i was thinking of it will reduce the drop rate for the vig ring. Ea scroll u use the drop rate lowers to -25 so instead of 1/500 it gows down to 1/475.

    U can also use max 5 scrolls so the final drop rate will be 1/400.

    The drop rate of getting the first scroll will be at 1/2000 and for the second scroll the drop rate will be 1/3000.



    Vip zone: U can use max 2 scrolls of ea

    Sponsor zone: u can use max 4 scrolls ea

    Mythic zone : u can use max 5 scrolls ea

    After hitting the max used scrolls u can sell them to this mythic dude for 10-20b ea.


    Have a nice day SPK !


  3. Hey Spawnpk community,

    i want see that spawnpk adds a looting tracker to the game.

    Doesnt matter if it tracks kills + loot (pvp) or tracks kills  of bosse (pvm)+ the loot u get.

    Would help alot to see how much u made per day/week whatever.

    Wish every1 a good day 😃

  4. Set 3:


    I think with kharazi is all fine. But at the end the range between morrigan and pernix to low and i dont think when pernix get a range str buff that kharazi would be killed bec for me nex sets should be the best in the game.

  5. Hey guys,

    today i wanna write down my range-gear suggestion. I have tested basicly all the range-gears ingame and in my eyse pernix should get a big buff.


    Set 1:


     Here u can see i wear morrigan top and bottom with red slayer helm, nec of anq, peg boots swift gloves, bc and archers ring (i).


    Set 2:


    Here u can see i wear pernix top and bottom with a fused slayer helm,

    nec of anq, peg boots swift gloves, bc and archers ring (i).


    The difference between the first and second set is that pernix have ONLY +4 range boni more and still have same range str. Morrigans cost around 1b ea piece so 2b for top and bottom.

    Pernix cost around 30-35b ea piece so 60-70b in total and thats epic for only 4 range boni more and u cant see the diff between morrigan and pernix.

    I hope Pernix get a big buff in the future.

    Best regards

    Megamass =)
