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Everything posted by Salty

  1. I'd be so mad dying to a DDS on spk nice vid man!
  2. You get more coins for being in a donor zone not sure the exact way it works but that's the jist of it.
  3. That's not accurate, 100% drop rate would make it 1/5k not 50% but I do understand where you're coming from. Tbf I never raided for profit, I did raids because I enjoyed running with some friends and having a good time with some new content. I have been doing less raids cause of some shit I've been going through IRL causing me to have less focus and motivation to grind. Personally I think the buff that raids got to its common table was overboard simply cause most the time you get pure cash sure it't not a ton but nothing else gives straight cash like raids does. I think that it important that we look at raids as a money maker not "The money maker". With that being said I do agree with you on the statement that more difficult raids are sadly not worth doing. As far as I know I'm the only person who has solo'ed a 150+ and it's not even funny how long it took and i got 200m (before the buff) but I've been discouraged to retry it even after the buff cause I don't want to be disappointed I've wanted to make a topic on it but like I said Irl stuff kinda getting the better of me. I really agree with @Kellatha although her comment was a bit sassy, she has a point we gotta relax a bit the buff raids just got you literally make 10x the profit you would have before if not more each chest. Personally I got 151 KC before the buff and sure I wasn't too happy with my loots but I still did them cause I ENJOYED the content all things will be more rewarding if you do them for the fun of it rather than for the profit. I think anymore buffs should be VERY small buffs such as the stuff @Phenomenon mentioned in the beginning at least until we have some people running grandmaster raids cause that's where the "real money" should be.
  4. I've seen that cape glitch happen with many different capes as well, although it seems its just a personal client issue nobody else sees what you are seeing. In some cases it can make a persons legs and body entirely invisible which in for instance a NH or Brid fight this can be a serious disadvantage.
  5. Salty

    Saltysadface's Staff Application

    Thank you for the support, I'm happy to see you're doing better!
  6. Salty

    Twisted bow

    And if you're pking in the wild and see someone with a Tbow be prepared to eat or don't take arrows on robes. This being changed would have 0 effect on me I stopped pvming in the wild a long time ago (not worth it in my opinion) but I feel new players that PVM in the wild should have a chance to kill a pker with their 40b bow that they could get skull tricked for as well.
  7. Salty

    Twisted bow

    You're right gooby, a pvmer shouldn't have a chance to fight back I'm sorry.
  8. Salty

    Twisted bow

    I mean I one of the last NH tounry's someone camped a rune c'bow and hit me a 28 through prayer. That's just a spawnable rune item the tbow being 40b i think should give some decent protection against the people trying to pk me while I am using it. Personally I don't think that the tbow is too op in pvp, I think if anything SWIFT GLOVES shouldn't work in pvp cause thats what can allow you to smack super hard with the right rng. Just my opinion
  9. Salty

    This week’s top voters(rigged)

    I believe you can vote every 12 hour's
  10. Salty

    Saltysadface's Staff Application

    Thank you everyone for the feedback! Decisions like this take time but I hope with continued support I can have a chance. Although yes, I do mostly pvm I still do pk sometimes I pk more often on Osrs honestly. I dont see a lot of money in it and where the real money is in my opinion (nhing) I'm not quite good enough yet to make much I don't think but I have been practicing a ton! With some more time I think that I could become more of a known pker. Thank you for your feedback I appreciate the complement "Nice guy"
  11. Salty

    Survive Pvm Clan!

    what do ya mean? lol
  12. Salty

    Is pvm even worth doing currently?

    I think you're not taking into account the other things that you should as well be doing while killing these monsters. If you simply kill lets say kbd all day and you get no good drops then you're just playing with RNG, if you do something like Boss slayer at the same time your gp/hr raises immensely and even more so doing blood slayer. Getting points from those and buying expansive loots is actually very profitable I myself have made over 4 fused slayer helms and tbh that's not even a lot. Recently they have also been buffing the daily rewards received while pvming which can as well be done most the time just while doing boss/blood slayer. Kbd's drop table was buffed to add the 25 100m cash bags loot which I feel was an outstanding buff (while using a Grand ring I this can be 15b cash drop) also its more around 9m per kill from ele, 1k ele kc should be around 90 100m cash bags which is some darn good loot. 1 day of PVM is not supposed to make you rich it is a grindy server and I get at times it can be overwhelming but it helps to try to think about personal gains rather than what other people are getting or using. The server is made to be fun and exciting handing everything away fast would be unrewarding and lead to many people quitting with one 1-2 months of play. I agree that PVM may not be the most efficient money maker on SPK #gamblingiscancer but its less risky than pking and has the potential of bigger loots as you get better gear! Don't give up!
  13. I think adding weapons specific to raid zones is a really good idea to help some of these items move in the economy, it's a really rewarding incentive to do the raids to be able to do them even faster as you obtain the relics. my personal favorites are the tbow, spear, and wand options, I really wish there was something that could be done to make elder effective in this way but I just cant think of a way to make it work. I really like the idea of the Spirit shield over the tome maybe offering little less offensives stats but a bit more defensive stats (would be more helpful in higher difficulty raids to have more defense I think) but either way I think this is pushing more towards mage becoming a viable option for some aspects of pvm which is a huge +1 from me Dibs on first cowl in game. The idea of adding some new range armor is great I think that while Range is overpowered on spk we haven't seen many new pieces of gear pertaining to range. Only thing that makes me nervous is that range is already so OP in raids I would hate to see people completely ignore bringing melee and mage gear cause they can clear using only range just as fast. I think these suggestions are a step in the right direction as these pets are rather lackluster for their rarity currently, but idk if they necessarily need this much of a buff. For instance I would assume with the vespa or olm pets, (especially the olm pet) you could just use blood barrage on olm and not have to worry about bringing and brews at all. Though this would make for some easy raid I think it would take away from what raids are meant to be IMO (hard). I think even just adding the +25% dmg to the respective boss is good on its own, although I could see this being an issue on selling them as they would ONLY be good for raids. I also looked on the last topic, and I wanna add that I feel as though people are acting like the loot is worse than it really is. I agree it does for sure need a buff but I think something like a 50 bag min would be way over rewarding (this is coming from someone who would heavily benefit from that big of a buff). Even with the loots as they are right now I have already made at least 50B doing raids which no its not a lot but I feel I've also gotten rather unlucky (0 pets) I just want people to keep in mind that its meant to be a grind. sure I could make more camping tekton afk but I think that's kinda what this push was towards, was making some more active content with similar rewards to something that people who haven't donated $2.5k so they have a chance in SPK without it being "p2w". I don't think its mean to be "as rewarding" but more rather a game of rng will today be your lucky day?
  14. Salty

    Suggestions for next update

    I think High scores or a leaderboard would be a good thing for raids, could help it be a little more competitive or even help it be easier to create higher ranked raids. I think even adding regular donor boxes or even mchests would be good loot to add, though I've heard from multiple reliable sources that the drop table will be buffed so lets wait patiently on that before offering any more suggestions. I believe they are also in the works of making achievements for raids as well and that's an decent suggestion for some of the potential loot from the achieve but that could be potentially over powered and cause other items that have risen to crash as a result so idk if I +1 that.
  15. Salty

    List of Raid Bugs

    I truly believe that Raids have been an awesome addition to Spk and I'm excited to see what chambers of xeric can be with the right support from staff and the community so I appreciate the shout out @Kellatha
  16. Salty

    Comp cape

    I use Imbued mage cape over comp 2 while pking and that costs like 1b.
  17. Salty

    Comp cape

    Yes, but many players (such as myself) chose to have the 10% drop rate over those benefits.
  18. Salty

    Comp cape

    I also agree with you that it should be a grind and I personally believe that 10k boss kills doesn't come very easy, although personally I do see it being easier than 1k players. I think you're holding this cape to a higher esteem than it's really worth. We are talking about comp 1 cape yes this would maybe make comp 2 a bit easier to achieve as well but comp 3 will continue to have the status that it does. (gz btw) Also they just added the bounty cape to the emblem shop that is much better than comp 1 and 2 js...
  19. Salty

    Comp cape

    I agree with you, but I think that @Kellatha had aswell already mentioned this previously and had a much more realistic suggestion feel free to go read her comment . Also that scroll does get that achievement done, but does not account towards the 50 player kill streak needed or the 1,000 over all kills you need.
  20. I agree that the Bloodcore Token Synthesis was a really awesome idea but so many of the rewards are just not achievable by your average SPK player. I'd love to have a yell tag but I'd have to legit break my bank at even a chance. With that being said it was really nice for the "eco holders" as Fp Me Noobs stated above. I don't think that's bad but having something more realistically achievable may work a little more efficiently? In my opinion removing the TP would result in more often new players getting scammed because of not knowing prices of items, sure it may sound weird getting scammed in 2k19 but it does happen :P. The idea of adding a G.E in which players can not see the other offers would hopefully fix the issue of people consistently undercutting prices on the TP resulting in the eco crash. With that being said to add a G.E in that fashion there would have to be a "Set price" on items which sure could fluctuate based on activity in the G.E but I'm not very familiar with this system so I will leave it at that. As a Pvm'er I 100% LOVE the idea of more interactive boss's entering the game. It's nice spawning a monster and watching t.v just pressing the heart every 30 seconds, but it gets rather stale rather quickly. I've enjoyed Tevin's idea of adding in Raids 1 and 2. Not only with this add new elements of pvm to the game this would give pvm clans (such as mine) something to do together to build more community because as of right now there isnt really any boss that one can not kill solo. I really dont think it should end there though. There a lot of genuinely fun monster's to kill on OSRS one of my favorite being Demonic Gorilla's. I feel that Spawnpk has really missed the mark implementing this monster.
  21. Salty

    Saltysadface's Staff Application

    I am genuinely sorry for that you're right it was immature, I was in a tough spot but I have learned from that to not act silly in game based on my emotions IRL. thank you for your feedbacks means a lot.