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Posts posted by kyran0234

  1. (Scroll a bit down to get to the editing part)


    I will make you a YouTube intro for your channel.I will send several templates so you have a choice to pick from.

    I used to sell intros a while back,even sold 1 to Jean Paul and i've made a lot for friends so i know what i'm doing.


    Customization (optional)⬇

    Things I can add into the intro and outro

    Custom Music

    Custom Font

    Custom Image


    Also a lot of people don't use outros, if this is the case and you don't want one, please tell me as it will save some time for me.




    I have much more themes and other intros so if you didn't like that don't worry I can make more.


    Price - 50b cash (ign- Kyran0234)   Discord- [Icey] Kyran0234#5456

    I hope you buy.



    Video Editing

    I will edit your video for your YouTube channel.I will also edit 1 FREE video as a trial.

    I used to make videos for SPK and videos in general.Before I deleted my channel I had around 50k views. (it sounds like bs since I dont have proof of the views but I swear I'm being genuine) I had quite a few videos on that channel and its taught me how to edit.

    This includes

    -Basic stuff like adding music/ trimming clips etc

    -Audio leveling, so the audio doesn't just jump up

    -Drop down like and subscribe buttons in the middle of the video.

    -And much more (also if you have any editing requests make sure to tell me. e.g. video length)


    I can't add an example but as I mentioned, I can do 1 free trial video.


    Prices              (ign- Kyran0234)   Discord- [Icey] Kyran0234#5456

    To be fair to smaller channels and to make sure spk content is being made,I can change the price for you, if that is the case make sure to dm me and prices can be changed.Also the "minutes"refers to how long the video is after editing, not how long the video u send me is.

    ⬇⬇ Without any extras

    Every minute will cost around 1b So

    5 minutes - 5b

    10 minutes 10b

    15 minutes 15b

    20 minutes 20b

    Under 30 minutes 25b

    Custom number- custom price (e.g 7 minutes - 7b)


    ⬇⬇ With Extras (Thumbnail, tags etc)

    Every minute will cost around 2b

    5 mins - 10b

    10 mins - 20b

    15 mins - 25b

    20 minutes 30b

    under 30 minutes 35b

    Custom number- custom price (e.g. 7 minutes - 14b)

    PRICES CAN BE LOWERED if I have edited some videos for you and were good than I can drop the price since we can trust each other with payment/video delivery time etc.Also I understand that shit happen,you can go from having 20t to having 5b in 1 hour,it's happened to me plenty and i can change prices.If you are a small YouTuber,something like 100 subs I was there once and I know it can be a struggle but I know that and am happy to lower prices.


    Other Services


    Tags are used to get traffic to your channel.They can help with your view count but they don't have a massive effect, it usually comes down to your content/Title.I will give you a full set of tags and will update them every once in a while, but you will most likely not be the only one with these tags so adding,editing them would be good.Also handwriting your own tags is the best way to do it, the more unique they are the less people that have them.



    25b for full set of tags.

    Or, you could get the "With Extras" bundle on the video editing section where tags are included.



    A thumbnail is the image shown before you click a video.It can be used to attract the viewer,show them something in the video and get them intrigued (kind of clickbait),and it can make you look organized.

    I can make good thumbnails but my abilities in other services are definitely better than my thumbnail making ability.Never the less, I should still be able to get the job done.



    5b Per thumbnail

    Or, you could get the "With Extras" bundle on the video editing section where thumbnails are included.



    Discord Making/Improving

    I have made a few discord and I joined discord early 2018 and since have learned a lot and even made my own bot (very simple btw).Anyway,if you're not the best with making a discord,leave it to me.Also if you already have a discord, why not improve it.It can give your viewers a place to chat to each other and somewhere you can interact with them and promote yourself.

    I will

    -Add some cool/entertaining bots for your users to use

    -Moderation-e.g automatic mutes for spam,toxicity etc

    -Custom roles, just tell me some roles you want i will sort them out

    -Overall just improve the server as much as i can.



    Setting up your server - 50b

    Improving your server - 25b (it will change depending on how much there is to do.)




    If there is anything else or other services please contact me and we can try sort something out.If it is graphics related make sure to check this sub forum for people who do that as they would be better than me.

    Some verification to what I have said and that I can be trusted.

    https://gyazo.com/7fbcdc7342650f023babf8ea1f5e9bf2 I am a "Veteran player" on discord and have been playing since 2017 and I want to continue playing.

    I mentioned I used to do Youtube videos on spk for a short while https://gyazo.com/09c16bdaa648ecd0801836ce7a060394 I won a raffle a while back in 2017.



    Contact me>  (ign- Kyran0234)   Discord- [Icey] Kyran0234#5456

    If you think any prices should be changed be sure to comment them along with any questions.

    Thanks for reading.I hope you will buy from me.

  2. At the blood shop you can buy the crystal halberd for 275 bloody money.So you buy 275 blood money for 3950k each that costs 1.1b and you can sell it for 1.5b+.   There may be other items that work you can experiment and calculate them.

  3. Time played - playing since 2012
    Exp in pk - Alot of exp,been pking majority of my time in osrs
    Exp in signle pk - good at single and multi pk so alot of exp
    Exp in briding - not too good at bridding but still can
    Did any one reconmend me joining? - na hust looking for a clan
    Why do i want to join - just been playing single pk alot and want to experience what multi pk in a good clan is like
    Timezone - UTC +0
    Previous clan - i was in Elementals for a bit
    Discord  - yup kyran0234#5456

  4. Yesterday i made an appeal as my account got falsely banned and it was my friends acc story on there.Staff have just been telling me the same thing wait until the owners have seen it.It has nearly been 17 hours and surely the owners would have been on by now and checked it and still i have no updates.If there are any helpful staff could you please get my account unbanned because now it's kind of getting frustrating. 

  5. kellatha hasnt been on for over 5 hours and hasn't seen my messages.

    3 minutes ago, PINK BOOT$ said:

    I mean, if Kellatha check your & the other guys ips & they didnt match wouldnt you be unbanned? 


  6. 53 minutes ago, PINK BOOT$ said:

    "she issued the ipban after confirming 100% you are ''kyran''. (uidbanned). "

    it probably seems like the biggest coincidence ever but even his name is omran and my name is kyran irl

  7. ok so this was literally like 2 minutes ago i was pking and got tped to jail then michealmyers said i was uidbanned.I asked what i did because i don't remember me doing anything against the rules.He wouldn't tell me what i did and just replied with 'You know what you've done'.I don't even know what uidbanned means and i asked him and then i just got logged and now i am unable to log back in.


    I have been a fan of this game for a long time and at one point i had to take a break,i come back yesterday and be treated like this.I also asked if he had any videos/pictures but he hasn't sent me anything.I insisted to find out what i did then he said i did 2 things the 1st one was i think scamming (never done) and then he said the 2nd thing i did was flaming staff members.I have never ever done this and I have been mistreated by the staff.Micheal if you are reading this send me evidence as i have never done these things.Could someone please reply as i do very like this game and want to continue playing.

                                                  Thanks in advance


    My username is kyran0234 and i know my password and pin.


    edit:Just realising now that i have done the opposite of flaming staff.Once i made a intro for free for jean Paul so i seriously don't understand how i have flamed staff.

  8. I know this episode was short half of the files were corrupted and i couldnt use them and i am getting very close to maxed so i need to kind of split the videos.I need to ask the  people of spk this.Do you like watching livestreams?because ive downloaded obs and idk whether to livestream or not so if you guys could tell me if you like livestreams that will be appreciated.Any feedback will be appreciated.I hope you like my dank memes lol.

