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Posts posted by SIVIR

  1. 2 minutes ago, E O O E VII said:

    So why can't u use the ''skill experience of singles'' take over to multilines?

    And I say no thank you, assume that im scared of u, but to make an actual excuse which has to do with ''singles experience, which way takes more experience of any player'' and can't do a multi war which according to u ''mutli, takes less experience in pking than singles, however 1 caller has to run a team of 20 people and actually make his goal happen'' doesn't seem right in my eyes, and that of any member of the runescape community. 

    Then don't call me a retard, when u don't have any actual experience of multi pking, please shut down and don't make yourself look like a ''retard''.

    My point proven, thank you.

    Officially afraid to fight us, so you resort it to multi like a 10 year old.

    Cant kill us in singles, "fight multi war".

    Enjoy life you wasteman.

  2. 2 minutes ago, E O O E VII said:

    U cant read, I said multi war? U mentioned that u could kill me in multilines, tho u are too afraid to actually do a multi war. I don't even know why a ''singles'' team can't do multi, only meaning is that they lack of experience when someone can't call? 

    Stop posting ty, ur just making urself looking bad, and even I won't wanna do that to you.

    We are a singles team, and singles takes much more skill. You really are a retard.


    You didnt say yes, so I assume youre scared of us.

    6v6 Sri, yes or no?

  3. 2 minutes ago, E O O E VII said:

    Oh sorry about that I what i just said, we all know that you like to be a tber/swamp pker.

    Now I know youre trolling, weird guy lmao. You cant lie to yourself, myself and every team 10 member molests you, its pretty much rape. Awkward when we dick your whole team then stop playing, then you pipe up when we dont play. Stupid clowns.

  4. 2 minutes ago, E O O E VII said:

    How i die in multi, if u avoid multi? we actually invited u guys for a multi war?

    Ur just talking trash at forums, u ain't ingame and actually warring us in multi? I even would like a killpic of me dieing in MULTI, tyvm?

    Cant compete with team team 10 > Call them out for a multi war. What the fuck goes on in your head? Little whiny bitch of bullysquad, attention seeking farmer faggot. I dick you every fucking fight we have, "rm" "rm". Youre a little ragdoll to every team 10 member.

  5. 56 minutes ago, refunt said:


    Is this actual bullshIT?

    we agreed to fight when you came back and i told you to pm me once you were back, you proceed to never pm me and still talk as if i avoided you??? @Faith pots

    If you look at the top text he says he aint on rn, if you look up in this thread ya all will see he said he would be on in 4-5 hours? You expect me to sit on server for 7 hours to wait for your ass???? You never pm'ed me that you were home wtf fam`?????

    THIS NIGGA SAYS KKZ AND GRIFFIN ARE THE ONLY PKERS WHO CAN COMPETE l0000000000000000000000000000ll0alwfefawfa 
    Just to give you all an idea of who kkz is this is him


    Nigga im just waiting for an actual fight with you pming me once you're ''home''
    Why do you have to keep lying to your team in order to look cool? Everyone knows you're a fucking egoistical rat with no fucking social life who cant NH for shit

    bro he wont fight you, he only fight kkz.

  6. 54 minutes ago, E O O E VII said:

    Tbh, u cant even compete to this clan? U are afraid to multi I hear multiple times.

    You are such a foreign clown sometimes, stupid pussio. Of course a singles team is going to steer away from multi, but for you it doesnt matter, you die to us in both singles and multi.

  7. 47 minutes ago, xciter said:

    lol but I did get picked up? they gave me 10b in items to play z75 etc what are you on about . Like I said you know about me I know 0 about you fucking random . i'll happily end your ego come edgepvp you're nothing without alien and ops you whale l.0.l. And you're claiming singles experience but don't know about bape or ff jesus Christ lvl 3 nhing chickens on 07 I bet

    Stop talking, inside intel tells me you were never in Bape or FF. Neither did you ever get accepted into Bullysquad as it would of gone through me LMAO. Random lying to portray yourself as something you're not shows how much a delusional troll you are. Fucking psychotic meme lmfao.

    You claim to know nothing about me but confidently assume I pk with alien and customs, again are you mentally retarded. I will 100% dick you and your dad.

    Imagine knowing you're an oss meme to bape and ff but proceed to fanboy them by telling people you were in their teams. LMFAOOOO.

  8. 11 minutes ago, xciter said:

    like I stated I am not in triggered , it's like you fanboy em retard. trigg is a multi clan yet you're making single topics about them and calling them out. And my singles experience goes past psych rs lol ive been in both ff and bape . I decided to branch out as there was more money to be made luring . The fact I got paid for the videos I made does me just fine not sure where I am claiming to be #1 editor but you obviously know a lot about me I know 0 about you random lol loc is edgepvp, You're my dog 

    "You're my dog". My dude you are the meme of spk. You're the same guy on spawnscape that got treated like a bitch, stupid slave. Don't even mention the words bape and ff as if it means something. You clearly fanboy or have some sort of affection for your bitch team triggered as you seem to be insecure.

    You came to this server expecting to be picked up by your 'friends' in bullysquad, no one wanted a meme in their team LMFAO.

  9. 9 minutes ago, xciter said:

    I barely play the game I don't even pk with triggered just got one nigga kyle and wash in there , this is you piping up on a dreamscape pk server where you rely on alien ele cbow etc like m8 your single experience is bullying a multi cc trying to compete or killing kraken killers. you run a 5 man at most I don't see why you're piping up period . and like you stated yourself "broken server" and it was on your member who piped up .

    Probably the most ironic thing I've ever read, literally just described your own team. Triggered is also the only clan to make topics on multi pkers such as elementals.

    I would also like to point out how shit your videos are, the horrific cringy "experienced" editing makes me gag. You also have the audacity to actually charge people for the shitty edits you make, are you mentally retarded?

    You're a serious troll, your shitty os team is a meme and you talk about singles experience.

    • Like 2

  10. 3 hours ago, Exposermen said:

    Funny thing is Sivir you guys do the same shit so IDK what you're on about. I'm down for 1v1 any time I'm a pm away "Crayon" waiting to be "Closed" ;)

    We already know the result lmfao, don't start acting friendly again after I bend you over for the second time.

  11. Posts a hybrid edgepvp kill pic on a broken server,  my man smh lmfao. Can your team "Triggered" please organise a fight with us, you're all trash.

    Pretty awkward how you think a shitty pic like this can make up for the 35b your member got networked for and the countless times your dogs have been victimized. Check your spies btw, your team will close.

    • Like 2

  12. For all those out there that have put my name out since ive been away, just know that its coming. So get your kill pics of me whilst you can, because i am having to readjust once again and when im done thats the end. I only get better from here. You know who you are, all of you do. I have already laid one person to rest, you're about to witness a domino effect and dont worry, for those of you who say they have videos of me then go ahead and post them. Because i have some videos coming soon as well. So do what you have to do whether thats praying, training or gathering more clan members but i promise you. Nothing will save you

    • Haha 1