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Everything posted by Doggy

  1. Doggy


    I got unuid banned wazza
  2. Doggy

    v's farewell

    Heck men pk323: Ez new designer clothes Have fun my mans
  3. Doggy

    Return of Pink Boots?

    Lmao funny you say I bum licked tevin whilst I've just about never talked to him until after my ban.
  4. Doggy

    Return of Pink Boots?

    Everyone said that about me but look where I am noob lol. get gud. RWT is 10x worst then chargeback yuh/
  5. Doggy

    My thoughts on SPK

    Zep slev doesn't meet me on 07 cause level 6 lul
  6. Doggy


    Not trying to throw beef out and Michael is an awesome staff but I don't think he will get admin for quite some time. He is not at par to how tevin was when he got admin and besides, Michael had only been staff for a few months? The owners thought It was very risky to make a player admin even though he was more active then everyone and helped 5X more. If Michael wants admin he's going to have to try much harder. I really do think Michael deserves his rank and everything but he hasn't put in as much effort as tevin who barely got admin. Maybe tevin was an example and they wanted to see how a player admin will be thus being more lenient on new admins. This is just my opinion
  7. Doggy

    New Video Risk fighting ETC

    New video with a new giveaway + winner's @ end. Feel free to leave any criticism and compliments
  8. Doggy

    Return of Pink Boots?

    Free mah homiezzzz
  9. Doggy

    Return of Pink Boots?

    Cortni few hiy
  10. Doggy

    Mia Helper Apply

    There was no reason for you to comment this. You sorta just flame baited him and this person was giving constructive criticism to which you obviously don't know how to take, you just made that even more apparent.
  11. Edge pking can be reality good money,especially if you have periods,tiers and all the other factors you can get80m+ a kill.
  12. Doggy

    Tevin's b'day.

    I said it first I win I cared more bye bye normie. happy Bday again lul
  13. Doggy

    Risk Fighting Edit - SPK From Scratch Ep. 6

    Nice vid lol. better editing then mine anyways aha...
  14. Doggy

    Mia Helper Apply

    If this was staff logic you know how most of the staff will be acting? The server would be in chaos. As a staff it's your job to keep the server under control and not add flame to the fire. So no. If you want to be staff you can't be toxic to me that's now how systems work. You can say something insulting but don't expect to get off the hook with these things easier. Just saw this comment sorry for the late reply men, but don't expect me doggy to be up to date on everything
  15. Doggy

    Mia Helper Apply

    Old staff means the old owner so you're demoted ked
  16. Doggy

    Chat for flaming

    This would be awesome. Not only are you limiting the amount of flame in normal yell chat but you also make it acceptable to do on an average but limited way. +1111111111111111111111
  17. Ohh I understand that now lol, pretty cool but can add pay2win opinions
  18. I like the sun spear ideas, they're really cool but I mean primal rapier already hit's 55+ with an amazing rate... If the sunspear rapier can do same speed/better stats? nah... The reason there's a sun spear is because it's more inaccurate and it's much slower then a normal weapon. The other sunspear weapon's will just be too overpowered for my liking.Dragon c'bow, ward, and the void seem pretty alright yeah... Achievement scrolls will be cool but what will he put in them?
  19. BIGGEST -1 TO THE SLAYER. Just going to ruin PVP even more IMO. Slayer? People will stop pknig because slayer will be more profitable,
  20. Doggy

    Old school gains

    https://gyazo.com/e4588c7821d5a2e081b338a3ad949484 whip pk (cba questing for helm and gloves atm lol): https://gyazo.com/37695d0f4af34282c59ad758e01800ae he grabbed an ags to sneak attack me lol Just turned my zerk into med lvl... thing's are going great
  21. Doggy

    Old school gains

    same as his spk name and shit lul
  22. Doggy

    Old school gains

    ign is Mr doggy https://gyazo.com/5b77a1dfb0f911203b4863698de4e5f4
  23. Doggy

    Old school gains

    cuz u care s00000000000000 much https://gyazo.com/867cf9ff0cda721216de137c87a702ca
  24. Doggy

    Old school gains

    this is called a sneak attac
  25. Doggy

    Mia Helper Apply

    Call me Doggo