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Everything posted by Doggy

  1. Doggy

    Cokiemonsta Farewell

    heckin l8r alig8r
  2. Doggy

    Hey everyone READ THIS

    Get this. What if a player has "snitched" if you will, on this person and want's to be anonymous? They won't show the evidence mainly due to this. People don't want to be thought of as a snitch or anything.
  3. Where's option E? All of the above
  4. Doggy

    Very Original Ryan :(

    https://gyazo.com/cce09e37b0b9acf8c0bcff5392b5e272 These are from last years event wyd
  5. Doggy


    The server has a constant 200+ players but really the wildy is dead for those numbers. This thread is to say what your lives on spawnpk are like, where you play, what you do, why you don't pk etc.
  6. Doggy


    I had to wait a few months for mine to even be responded to. And it was denied in the beginning.
  7. Doggy

    Buff Magic

    Do magic based fights for a week in 07 then you'll complain about it being too op
  8. Doggy

    How toxic this server really is

    Call a staff saying your stuck and have them help you Fight
  9. Doggy

    Bounty tele scroll

    Was in risk fight arena and someone yelled to me with Max and cele Yoshi
  10. Doggy

    Bounty tele scroll

    Was in risk fight arena and someone yelled to me with Max and cele Yoshi
  11. Doggy

    Wet Wizard

    Some people do dedicate their life to osrs. Especially streamers I mean b0aty ducking streams 12 h/ a day, most YouTubers and streamers do this as a full time job. And if I'm correct wet wizard gets paid to edit videos and gets paid, alot
  12. Doggy

    Spk Rushing vid

    They buffed it to 42
  13. Doggy

    Spk Rushing vid

    They buffed it to 42
  14. Doggy


    Send me a dick pic(peanut butter too plz) whilst you're at it.
  15. But I enjoyed hitting 53 baggage in edge...
  16. Doggy


    Zeplin man was the best of them. He would be the goodest of boys at times and was like a sister. Haters gonna hate cause zeplin clrd em
  17. Doggy


    Is Taylor/doggy
  18. Doggy

    New bounty system

    Then someone can set a bounty on said player and it'd bring more experienced players to fight them
  19. Doggy

    New bounty system

    Idea: Add a new type of bounty system. the concept of this is to be able to ::setbounty [PlayerName] [Price (100m bags)]. Now this would GREATLY improve the PVP activity and put player's into the deep wilderness and edgeville. To access the bounties set you'll do ::Bounties and something similar to the daily hiscores will pop up with highest to lowest bounties set. Please add @Ryan
  20. Doggy

    New bounty system

    that would be against the rules as kill farming.
  21. Doggy

    100 Egloves tries...

    CBA UPLOADING TO YOUTUBE SO HERE IS A GIF VERSION THNX RNJESUS https://gyazo.com/063e558a145fe113c1dc209b843526bf https://gyazo.com/34c18a50fa42dc6123a066e54f2ec7bc
  22. new video just came out, winner has been picked and another giveaway.
  23. Doggy

    Selling RARE Kharazi maul and gold pimp hat

    Maul isn't really rare lol
  24. I believe there's already a spawnpk community channel