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Everything posted by imthiccc

  1. imthiccc

    bully-squad retards.

    i meant the ones at gdz man.. bro we both know you used bot when you went out for a "smoke" or w/E u said .. these excuses aint working.. I do have proof too and idgaf if ryan laughed at me? guess everyone here r ur fanboys.. even the owner wont ban yo ass for doing that lmao
  2. imthiccc

    bully-squad retards.

    are u retarded? kyle himself posted in the skypechat where i was in that he got kills by using bot (back when we were friends) now denying it lmfao u 2 riding kyles dick lmfao
  3. imthiccc

    bully-squad retards.

    Atleast he doesn't post killpics which are from multi and where he used bot to pk l0l
  4. imthiccc

    bully-squad retards.

    Pls.. why you lying? yesterday at south of kraken I'm pretty sure that vahva made you tb pretty much every fight lad
  5. imthiccc

    bully-squad retards.

    "we were going for him" lmfaoo how did u know his exact location? Cuz i saw no one expect I ,vahva and him :DD
  6. imthiccc

    bully-squad retards.

    Lmfao :DD If hes not in bullysquad why did 3 bs membs show up instantly when he got tbed? and pls.. "delusional rat" is getting kinda old
  7. imthiccc

    bully-squad retards.

    Why blocking name? also 15-17 fps? even my schools 300$ pc's run runescape faster.. and this is a fucking rsps kyle.. I'm telling u get faster pc fam
  8. imthiccc

    bully-squad retards.

    mask off-future
  9. imthiccc

    Delusional comatose pkers

    I hope u realise ur riding kyles dick harder than his wife lmfao
  10. imthiccc

    forgotten password

    Hello, I changed my password on "Isis leader" account late last night and went to bed like straight after it when i woke up I couldn't remember what the passsword was and still can't so I need your help
  11. imthiccc

    Delusional comatose pkers

    are u retarded? irl friends and friends online are 2 different things :DD also kyle u had 2 stop talking with me so why u talking to me with your alt? have a good day <3 done talking to downies
  12. imthiccc

    Delusional comatose pkers

    "u even take online classes so wuu2" :DD alright think what u want retard whale, I spend most of my time outside with friends n shit I only play in the evening lad
  13. imthiccc

    Delusional comatose pkers

    Did u really just say "maybe go outside or something." ? l0l0l0l you know u on pc 24/7 ur kids prolly dont even know who u are anymore downie
  14. imthiccc

    Delusional comatose pkers

    Ye definnetly kyle, the way you talk :DD i know its u lad :DD also idgaf I know kyle's better pker than me,not denying it so why is it so big deal w u lads? he just didn't post his own killpics lmfao 1. His brother levy killed me,2. he used multi bot for the multi kills (multi kills doesnt count tho lmao)
  15. imthiccc

    Delusional comatose pkers

  16. imthiccc

    Delusional comatose pkers

    you probably are kyle on another acc lmfao just stay quiet retard
  17. imthiccc

    Delusional comatose pkers

    but who tf posts pic of madison ivy every day to skypechats? huh? also his kids names,wife n shit wont be leaking names also he plays football(what he says can't find his anme on lists tho lmfao)
  18. imthiccc

    Delusional comatose pkers

    dw honey i know enough about kyle for example loves madison ivy
  19. imthiccc

    Delusional comatose pkers

    lmfao u try to defend ur bf like that? I got fucking proof l0l and u lads try to deny it
  20. imthiccc

    Delusional comatose pkers

    When you and chris talked shit to me and leitz thats the only time i talked shit behind ur back fam otherwise i havent been talking shit expect now lmfao :DD why do u post other peoples pics ? i never threatned to leak anything i just let the people know who faith pots rly was I hope u rly know what you're doing cuz I basically know everything i need to know about you
  21. imthiccc

    Farewell trashtalker grewy..

    lol you shouldnt talk at all,cuz everytime i asked u to nh u said u cant and went dh pking l0l
  22. imthiccc

    Delusional comatose pkers

    to the "even gets slapped in multi" pics i gotta say this you should of deleted the pics in godxile skype chat https://gyazo.com/1bbdd033b5467c81a4680eeb5e5aff7a
  23. imthiccc

    Delusional comatose pkers

    "And now ladies and gentlemen, the biggest shitter on rs history, 'imthiccc' / 'isis leader' also known as my biggest fanboy who got mad af cuz he kept planking to bully-squad. Just look how cute he is, even demonic gorillas f3 better than this Delusional finnish twat.. Not to mention that he uses a fucking cls in a nh fight.." oh man First you use my killpic (the first pic) then u do this pics from multi rly doesnt mean anything ( specially when you use multi pk bot lmfao) You say im your fan? nigga nah I was your friend till found out you been shit talking alot.. you know when u said u leaked my shit on hackers site u know .. that I know pretty much everything i need to know about you.. should think b4 act also none of these kills were by you and also I used cls in nh cuz on nrpk it was good so decided to test here
  24. imthiccc

    Multi-PK Event.

    1) Team Name: #id 2) Partner:imthiccc / nanslapper 3) Timezone you live in:im from finland so UTC+02:00