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Hooke V2

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Everything posted by Hooke V2

  1. They have tho... In April...
  2. Lmao, the only reason you're suggesting this is because you have a lot of tbows and you didnt know about the blood diamond store selling them prior to you buying tbows for 300b. Now people are undercutting you and your tbows wont sell. Pretty low.
  3. Hooke V2

    Risk Protection - Singles PKing

    Completely missing the point here bud
  4. Hooke V2

    Re-arranging class setups

    I'd love to see a function which allows you to re-organise your load-outs, now its like: When you've named them, theyre fixed in place. I'd love to see something being added that would allow you to change that. I dont know if thats easy to implement or not, but i felt like throwing it out there.
  5. Hooke V2

    Proper Solution for the Autokeep & Untradable Epidemic

    Massive +1. The thing I've noticed as of late is that players don't try to become better pkers or that they don't go and practice a skill of their liking, but that they gamble so they can obtain more auto-keep items so that they don't require proper skills to put up a fight. That's the core issue in my opinion as of right now. Auto-keep items >>> skill. Increasing the risk they carry can be a proper driving force for players to improve in skill rather than increase in auto-keeps.
  6. Don't act stupid, don't get ragged. Simple as that
  7. Hooke V2

    Empty Flasks

    Make it so empty flasks are a thing, just like empty vials are. I switch in the bottom of my inventory, and when I finish a brew flasks it creates an empty spot, which messes my inventory up when I switch to a 2H weapon. I doubt I'm the only one who could appreciate empty flasks being a thing.
  8. Hooke V2

    Re-arranging class setups

  9. Hooke V2

    Empty Flasks

  10. Hooke V2


    Jesus christ, if you're getting ragged you've done something to deserve it. If its random, they won't last. You probably talk shit to them which makes them rag.
  11. Sorry took a while for me to notice you, second hit was what i meant, was a 59 through melee prayer =]
  12. Dont cry kid, DH Lance does the same but haven't heard you complain about that =] PM me when u want to NH btw
  13. Hooke V2

    Bounty Hunter target rework

    +1, have legit had people skip me then they proceed to say something along the lines of: 'Fuck off kid, no emblem upgrade for you.'
  14. Hooke V2

    location of empty flasks? plz..

    +1, empty flasks please
  15. Hooke V2

    Full guide on Raids

    Thank you Gooby, very cool.
  16. Hooke V2

    "Purdue" is gone

    He lost his bank after not being gear capped for 2 seconds, I can imagine.
  17. Hooke V2


    This kid piping but he in Tm_Devil cc 90% of the screenies LOOOOOL
  18. Hooke V2

    Sponsor rank after new update.

    Lol this little rat has crawled his way to the forums
  19. Hooke V2

    Sponsor rank after new update.

    I can get sponsor if I want
  20. Hooke V2

    Sponsor rank after new update.

    You want to get your OP drops back to keep destroying the eco? No thanks, if we have that much cash inflow shit would go down as well.
  21. Okay kewl update but why is this fuse pet a thing ? You could already get fulled through mage protection, now u can get frozen for 25 seconds with a way higher hitchance? RIP Deep wild solo pking (23-03-2019)
  22. Hooke V2

    Anti-disconnect implementation.

    Since when do you enter the wilderness?
  23. Hooke V2

    Warrant for arrest

  24. Don't you you will NS if you're going to take breaks...
  25. Hooke V2

    Telescope dickriders, know who you looking up to. =-p

    You legit are trying when ragging aren't you? Trying to get that Edgeville killpic to be able to say you've killed Kyle. Nap nap nap