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Posts posted by iwillnot

  1. 31 minutes ago, Xiomuya said:

    Quite sad, just bought the cursed void for a lot of money. If I knew the stats would be this low, I wouldn't have bought it. I feel like people should have had the opportunity to vote about this before dramatically decreasing the cursed void set.

    agreed, cursed void has already been nerfed multiple times, at this rate it doesnt seem worth having anymore.

  2. honestly i wouldnt care about enchanted gloves if they didnt have the leech effect cause that shits just dumb. but im talking more of just the accuracy that people get when they use zbow-korasi+dfs into an elder maul. yeah sometimes u can out eat it but not very often. then there's the issue with the dragon upgrade scroll, people can skull with a death pet and use tektonic plate and legs and a dds and will hit constant 60+ specs.

  3. I totally agree that pking needs to be more rewarding but it doesnt really help that people unskull with max melee being able to stack out full hp almost all the time and eating up to 100. Theres just to much op shit in game to make risking any amount just not worth doing.

  4. 4 minutes ago, purelaz61 said:

    they nerfed the combo on lance already but korasi swh etc still 1tick dfs. They should nerf that also. 



    they might have nerfed it but i hit an 87-13 stacked almost perfectly just yesturday.

  5. 16 minutes ago, Ian said:

    yeah naw if u can 1 tick stack dfs w/ a spec wep then take ur kill

    1 ticking defs with spec with a 1 handed spec weapon is easy, especially if you do range-melee


  6. The dfs is far to overpowered to be a spawnable item, it has high strength bonus, high defence bonus and it gives you a guarenteed 10-15 damage every 30 seconds. Even for people who have the avernic defender unlocked, most people still choose to use the dfs over it especially when using 1-handed spec weapons. Im proposing either moving the dfs special attack to something else or just making the dfs non spawnable.

    here are some examples of special attacks that can almost one hit people from close to max hp.

    Dragon hunter lance: 87 max+ 10-15 dfs

    Statius warhammer: 75 max+ 10-15 dfs

    Elemental dagger: 76 max+ 10-15 dfs

    Korasi: 80 max+10-15 dfs

    Barrelchest sword: 79:+ 10-15 dfs

    Most of these weapons are also damage capped so u can hit around these in mostly spawnable gear.

    If anybody else has any feedback i would love to hear it.

  7. why not give the option to dismantle the items, when i got cursed obby it was because they didnt have the repair fee thats all i cared about, now its like 200m per piece and just not worth it, its definitely not what i paid for and i dont really want them.

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  8. 28 minutes ago, Kellatha said:

    1. There's a lot of ways to get them without defusing for blood shards. Donator boxes/bags/chests give them out and they honestly give them out very frequently. That's probably how so many came into the eco and the fact that everybody has one now a days.

    2. BP spec was insanely OP because you could hit as high as 81, and I imagine you can hit harder now a days. It's been fixed for pvm, not sure why you'd be using a blowpipe for PvP when you have better options.

    3. I'll forward this one to Ryan.

    4. What do you mean by "Bring back blood money for d tickets?" and BM is highly sought after, especially in bulk amounts for people going for enchanted boots/gloves/etc. Not to mention it costs around 180K for someone to finish the blood perk tree.

    I was testing bp spec earlier and was maxing 70 with near max range and infernal yoshi. also bp spec was really only op because u could stack bp spec and bc cannon almost instantly. Now that Bc cannon has a hit delay the bp spec hit delay can probably be removed

  9. On 7/21/2018 at 1:01 AM, Big Starr said:

    First: My idea is that the monsters killed in sponsor zone have an increased chance to drop the items on the table.

    second: allow bloodwyrm scrolls to be activated in sponsorzone.

    third: coming soon.

    im all for both of these, drop rates should scale the way tamed cerberus does. 

    also would probably increase the price of bloodwyrm scrolls as well.

