The new Max Capes: Max Capes appear to be see-through specifically on female characters. Additionally, certain types of equipment like Vesta armor and Torva seem to enhance the visual bug. This strange occurrence seem to only be directed towards the Ava's (t), Guthix, Saradomin, and Zamorak variants. The infernal max cape and Fire max cape appear to be fully functional.        There have also been numerous (but unverified) reports of players not being able to wear their max-capes despite having the requirements. They claim to have completed completionist I and II (and confirmed that they can wear the red comp), however, they are unable to wear the fire max cape. The max capes appear to be fully functional on male characters. Rumors speculate that the issue might be that you must be a legendary donator in order to wear it rather than just being maxed out. This has yet to be confirmed as all of my non-legendary accounts (that are trained and maxed) do not meet the 1000 kill/50 ks requirements to test this theory. The new skin tones: Although this is a more minor type of bug, i still wanted to address it on this thread since it will play a key role on the patch notes. As of right now, the new skin tones (Sunspear skin, Frost skin, Lava skin) do not work well while wearing a helmet. The new skin tone remains functional on the arms, however, the face turns black (or whatever skin tone you might've had before hand) upon equipping I managed to narrow it down to being helmets specifically, as the hats are fully functional according to the video below: Cursed Relics: According to a recent complaint made in the "suggestions" section, the obsidian armor's "smite effect" do not work with the cursed relic form of the obsidian armor. However, my theory for this is that it was left out intentionally due to the fact that an autokeep form of obsidian (with it's effects) would be too overpowered and an unfair advantage to those who cannot afford to obtain this item. I believe that they are already buffed enough due to it's autokeep properties, and it's powerful defensive bonuses. Nonetheless, i wanted to make sure that i included this on this comprehensive bug thread. Edgepvp: Strange lag-spikes tend to occur in this specific area quite often, it may be worth looking into potential causes for this issue. Additionally, you can walk through the mountains and certain objects throughout this instanced zone: This is done specifically by clicking on the mini-map, rather than the actual mountain itself. Graveyards: Strange lag-spikes tend to occur in this specific area quite often, it may be worth looking into potential causes for this issue. My best guess would be population - when this area becomes extremely crowded with PKers, it becomes practically impossible to PK here, even with the best performing PC. Further investigation of the gravestone issues (Ryan is already aware of this one)   Other threads/things worth mentioning: Pathfinding - If anyone has suggestions on how pathfinding should work for SpawnPK, feel free to PM me or comment! (Private Bug - placed as a reminder to bring to Ryan's attention later) F3 Mechanics Also, i would like to clarify that simply because something has not been fixed yet, does not give a player the proper jurisdiction to abuse any of these bugs. If found guilty, punishments will follow according to the SpawnPK rules:  I put this message on every bug-related thread i make in hopes that players will adhere to the warning, rather than causing conflict for other players.